Category Archives: Fitness

Will Jog For Java

Well, yesterday morning I did it.

I left the “comfort” of our neighborhood and ran {aka slow jog} to Starbucks while Jay pulled the kiddos in our new bike trailer.

As the crow flies, Starbucks is 2.5 miles, but we took the paseo route which I estimate added about half a mile or so.

I jogged the whole way except for a few minutes when we “got lost” on the paseo and had to back track.

Here I am envisioning a venti iced americano….

It was a start.

I have a long way to go to get to 13.1 miles.

I felt good and could’ve kept going…

The kids & Jay were so cute, cheering me on from time to time.

“Hi Mommy!” ~ so sweet.

Jay Sean, Miley, Katy Perry and Maxwell were just a few that also helped me out along the way!

Ran about 3/4 of a mile on the way home and power walked the rest.

I’ll go for 4+ miles this week….

December 5th will be here before you know it!

“Tie Game” Tuesday

I thought The Cons were going to win today, but it looks like The Pros pulled out all the stops and tied up the game of Tuesday.

#1 For starters, Riggs (Border Collie) ran out the front door and went after the guy with the weed wacker. Fortunately a weed wacker is a good thing to have if a dog comes running at you. Unfortunately I had to go after him in my pink pajamas…braless.

#2 Above mentioned Riggs bit (aka “nipped really hard” in Border Collie language) me in his usual frenzy as the gardeners entered the backyard.

#3 As I was tending to my wound with an ice pack and a few curse words, Rascal decided, since he couldn’t go into the backyard to take care of business, to drop off a few kids on the red carpet! Thanks, Rascal. Living up to your name, I see.

#4 Approximately 2.5 seconds after I took care of that little matter, Holden decided his football undies were the place to take care of HIS business. Why? WHY?

#5 Had to pay almost $60 to retrieve E’s birth certificate for Kinder (Last Minute Lucy here!)

#6 Let the kids talk me into Mickey D’s drive-thru for lunch (I only got a Diet Coke…promise!)


But, then The Pros started reminding me that the day wasn’t a total bust.

#1 Took Elliott for her FINAL vaccination and TB test for Kinder. (This may have been a Con in her book, but was definitely a Pro in mine)

#2 Ordered E’s birth certificate for Kinder (don’t know why I put that off for so long??!!??)

#3 All forms completed and ready to turn in to the elementary school

#4 Little old lady in The Dollar Tree told me I looked beautiful…so sweet! I needed that.

#5 Rumor has it that Taylor Lautner was at Swirley’s Fro Yo on Sunday which is just a half mile from my front door! (I was at neighboring Albertson’s on Sunday…..I wonder if our paths crossed!)

#6 We have 10 leftover Chicken McNuggets from lunch for the kid’s dinner. Awesome!


So glad it’s a tie.

I hate when The Cons win.


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ 7.27.10

1 cup coffee with 2 tbsp. creamer: 2 points

2 egg whites on a sandwich thin: 1.5 points

1 banana: 2 points

Whole wheat pita with 1/4 cup meat sauce and 1/4 cup grated mozzarella cheese: 6 points

Fat free Fro Yo: 2 points

Sesame Chicken Lean Cuisine: 7 points

Total points: 20.5


Walked/jogged to clubhouse and home: 2 miles

47 minutes on elliptical: 4+ miles, 500 calories


58 Days

…until Fall.

I’m not counting down or anything.

Yesterday morning as we were leaving Yosemite through the little town of Oakhurst, we ran into Starbucks for a coffee to sip on the drive home and a pumpkin scone to share.


It felt like Autumn.

I was in love.

I sipped my caramel macchiato, nibbled on the scone, looked out at the landscape and envisioned the trees out in their Fall colors.

I am SO ready.

Maybe it’s because I know that the first day of school is just 17 days away.

It feels like my favorite season is closer than it really is.

Until then, I will enjoy the rest of the summer with my little ones because 58 days will go by in a flash.


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ 7.26.10

2 cups coffee with 4 tbsp. creamer: 4 points

3 egg whites on a sandwich thin: 2 points

Turkey on sandwich thin: 4 points

Lean Cuisine Sesame Chicken: 7 points

Total points: 17


Walked to clubhouse and back: 2 miles

60 minutes on elliptical: 5.5+ miles, 650 calories


Nice Buns!

Since I began trying to really count points and eat right during the week, I’ve been obsessed with the Oroweat Sandwich Thin.

Only 1 point on WW.

No high fructose corn syrup.

My friend, and loyal reader, Lisa turned me onto a new sandwich and I am hooked.

I may have eaten 4 of them in the past 2 days!

Just grill some veggies: eggplant, zucchini, peppers, onions or yellow squash.

Slice some cucumbers.

Spread a half or whole serving of cream cheese (I like the whipped one with chives) on your lightly toasted thin and then add the sliced cucs and roasted veggies. Top with just a little sea salt from your grinder.

If you count the olive oil you used for grilling, this whole sammie is about 3 points (depending on how much cream cheese you use).

It’s so filling and flavorful.

Thanks again, Lisa!

I need to limit myself on these otherwise I may tire of them and I certainly don’t want that to happen!

If you’re a sandwich lover like me, are you always looking for new lunch possibilities?

I am.

What’s your current go-to lunchtime favorite between two carbs?

I’d love to hear what you’re packing in your picnic baskets this Summer!


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ Tuesday, 7.13.10

1 cup coffee with 2 tbsp. creamer: 2 points

1/2 cup plain fat free greek yogurt, 1/2 pack Splenda, 1/2 banana & just a tad of honey: 2.5 points

1/2 banana: 1 point

2 graham crackers: 3 points

1 Lisa special: 3 points

Lisa special for snack!: 3 points

WW Tuna Noodle casserole: 5 points

Skinny Cow mint ice cream sandwich: 2 points

Total points: 21.5


Walked to and from clubhouse: 2.5 miles

45+ minutes on elliptical @ 10 resistance: 4.26 miles, 500 calories


Adios Dominos!

We did pizzas on the grill again last weekend and they were even better than the first time.

This time I used only one package of Trader Joe’s dough, divided it in half and made two thinner crust pizzas. This resulted in a much more crisp crust and not so filling….yum!

We tried the garlic & herb variety this round and it was out of this world. I had some leftover meat sauce in the freezer that I thawed out and used. Jay grilled some zucchini, a rainbow of peppers and an onion which we added to one pizza. The other was my all time fave ~ pepperoni & pineapple!

I don’t think we’ll need to dial out for Dominos or Pizza Hut anytime soon.

Sorry delivery boy!


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ Monday, 7.12.10

1 cup coffee with 2 tbsp. creamer: 2 points

Oatmeal with 1/2 banana: 3 points

Grilled veggies, cucumber and 1 tbsp. chive cream cheese on sandwich thin: 3 points

Same sammie for snack later in the day because it was SOO good!: 3 points

Lean Cuisine Sesame Chicken meal: 7 points

Skinny Cow mint ice cream sandwich: 2 points

Total: 20 points


Stayed home because Holden had a fever. ;-(

3 Months To Go

I know the title of this post sounds like I am in the last trimester of pregnancy, but I am referring to my 40th Birthday.

In 3 months from today, I will no longer be 30something!

Jay has been asking me what I want to do.

Well, what I WANT to do and what we will end up doing are two different things.

Obviously, I would love to take a family vacation to Paris to celebrate, but that is just not an option.

No matter what we do, it will be wonderful I know.

Vegas maybe?

This little vase of flowers made me think of my life ~ bright, cheery, flourishing and drinking everything up ~ and there is one bloom for every decade!


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ Thursday, 7.8.10

{This week has been OFF with Monday being a holiday and Jay being out of town for a couple days. I have not been to the gym in a week….no excuses, I know!}

2 cups coffee with 4 tbsp. coconut creamer: 4 points

3/4 cup Kashi cereal with 1/2 cup lowfat milk: 4 points

Lean Cuisine Sesame Chicken frozen meal: 7 points

1 cup blueberries: 1 point

Chopped Chinese Chicken Salad

1 chicken breast tender: 1 point

1/3 cup mandarin oranges: 1 point

1/8 cup sliced almonds: 2 points

2 tbsp. toasted sesame seed dressing: 2 points

Total points: 22


30 minutes on elliptical @ 10 resistance: 320 calories

Full Of Zest

Today I made some Citrus Infused Olive Oil.

So easy.

Just zest some lemons and limes:

Put oil and zest in a pan over low heat for 20 minutes:

Turn off and let sit for a couple hours, strain and you have this:

Ready for some deliciousness over the weekend…

Lemony-limey, citrusy goodness.


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ 6.30.10

1 cup coffee with 2 tbsp. creamer: 2 points

1 banana: 2 points

Turkey & light swiss on sandwich thin (mustard & tomato): 5 points

1 cup seedless grapes: 1 point

Golden Spoon fro yo: probably 8 points!

Sesame Chicken frozen meal: 7 points

Total: 25 points


1.5 hour set of doubles tennis



Today we got together with some friends we hadn’t seen in awhile…

Chloe, Addison & Baby James (who we met for the first time!)

Addison & Holden

In a mood…

Running off some energy:

Chloe & Elliott:

Checkin’ out the wild {t}urkey:

Trying to get all FOUR to look:

Another day at the park…


Check out these super cute festive {T}ootsie Rolls:

Edited to include: Tootsie Rolls are from Dollar Tree!


When we turned onto our street on the way home, a couple cute little neighbor boys were having a Kool-aid/Otter Pop/Hershey Bar Stand to raise money for The Painted {T}urtle.

We stopped and cooled off with a couple Otter Pops and made a little donation.

{Two soon-to-be 4th graders and one soon-to-be 1st grader!}

So cute.

Made me excited for our little lemonade stand down the road.


Alas, {T}aco Tuesday…

Take that, Taco Bell!

Fancier tacos coming up this weekend…


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ 6.29.10

2 cups coffee w/ 4 tbsp. creamer: 4 points

Kashi with 1/2 cup 1% milk: 4 points

1 cup red seedless grapes: 1 point

1/2 banana: 1 point

Turkey & light swiss on sandwich thin: 5 points

1 cinnamon graham cracker: 1.5

3 crispy tacos with 1/2 cup meat, 1 tbsp. light sour cream, 1/8 cup shredded cheese (lettuce & salsa): 9.5 points

Total points: 26


45+ minutes @ 1o on elliptical: 4.26 miles, 500 calories



Another successful afternoon splashing and swimming…

The baby pool will do that to ya!


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ 6.28.10

1 cup coffee w/ 2 tbsp. creamer: 2 points

Yoplait Greek blueberry yogurt: 3 points

1 cup red seedless grapes: 1 point

Turkey and light swiss on sandwich thin (w/ mustard and tomato): 5 points

1 small banana: 1 point

Safeway Eating Right Sesame Chicken meal: 7 points

Total points: 19


Walked long route to clubhouse and home (2+ miles)

Elliptical for 60 minutes: 5.5 miles, 650 cals


Turning The Corner

This week is off to a MUCH better start.

Thank goodness.

If things didn’t change from last week, it was going to be a LONG, and not in a good way, summer!

Today we packed a quick picnic of ‘wiches, cantaloupe and graham crackers and headed to the pool.

The 1.5 foot deep baby pool was wide open and we staked our claim.


I pulled my lounge chair into partial shade, kicked my feet up and chatted with Hollie while the kiddos splashed, dove and played with the noodle.

It was perfect.

They were safe & happy.

I was relaxed & happy.

A wonderful combination for both parties I must say.

We’ve GOT to do that more often.

I’ve always been nervous to take two non-swimmers to the pool, but if we stay in the kiddie pool, it’s all good in the ‘hood.

They get worn out and I get a break along with a little color.

Hollie kept an eye on Holden while I took the girls into the big pool. Elliott and I practiced her swimming and I am so pleased that she is becoming stronger and stronger and will be on her own by summer’s end, I’m sure.

The icing on the cake was that they exited the pool, dried off, changed and walked to the car without fuss.

Shangri-La, I tell you.

The rest of this week and next week is full so I am certain that we are truly turning the corner and on our way to a HAPPY summer.

Just the way it should be.

{Pooped after the pool}


Speaking of HAPPY, check out this sweet, vintage PANCAKE wedding reception!

Such an inexpensive & creative idea…especially since they shared their first date over a stack of pancakes!

So sweet and dripping with maple syrupy goodness.

Love it. Breakfast At Sunset.

Thinking outside the box.

Pure genius.

I want to recreate this oasis in my back patio and eat all our summer meals there! I love the whole “bringing the inside out” look. May just look for an old kitchen table and mismatched chairs at the next community garage sale!

And that old, shabby chic bench…………..


I was going to have Taco Tuesday tonight with some homemade Taco Bell inspired tacos with seasoned ground beef and crispy corn shells……but, I didn’t feel like running to the store and chancing taking the wind out of my Tuesday sails, so we had hamburger hot dogs and cantaloupe instead.

I just took about a pound of ground beef, mixed it with half a grated red onion, an egg white and this seasoning mix.

We had one hamburger bun and 4 hot dog buns, so I formed the “patties” accordingly:

{I know…this pic is a little disturbing. No jokes, please!}

Just fire up your barbie or pull out your grill pan and cook these babies up. Place on the corresponding bun and garnish with your favorite hot dog/burger toppings. We used ketchup, mustard, minced onion and jalapeƱos. They would be delish as chili cheese hot dog burgers, as well!

Anyway, it’s fun to switch it up a bit and save yourself a trip to the store at the same time!

Plus, there are plenty more summer Tuesdays for tacos.


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ 2.22.10

2 cups coffee with 4 tbsp. creamer: 4 points

3/4 cup Kashi cereal with 1/2 cup organic lowfat milk: 3.5 points

2 cups cantaloupe: 2 pts.

turkey and light cheddar with mustard on sandwich thin: 4 points

1 small bag mini Oreos: 3 points

2 graham crackers: 3 points {Snacky Snackerson today! ;-( }

1/4 lb. hamburger & bun: 6 points

Total points: 25.5

Workout: Zilch, Zip, Nada

{Shame on me!}