Category Archives: Fitness

Shades of Yesterday

{Elliott’s 1st Summer ~ 2005}

I love that her little romper has flip flops on it….a sign of things to come 5 years ago?

Remembering this just like it was yesterday…..


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ 6.21.10

1 cup coffee w/ 2 tbsp. creamer: 2 points

1 banana: 2 points

1 light string cheese: 1point

1 cup grapes: 1 point

1 turkey & light swiss on sandwich thin: 3 points

3 chicken dinos: 3 points

1 graham cracker: 1.5 points

Safeway Eating Right Sesame Chicken: 7 points

“1 cup” Chardonnay: 4 points

Total points: 24.5 points


Walked long route to clubhouse: 2.5 miles round trip

45+ minutes on elliptical @ 10 resis.: 4 miles, 460 cals

How Amy Got Her Groove Back

I’m the type of person that slips into a brief sadness after Christmas, a vacation (haven’t gone on one of those in awhile, though) or a series of exciting milestones (as we recently celebrated). It’s like a wedding…you plan and plan and then it’s all over within several hours. You know there is still so much to look forward to, but the initial quietness following the big event, for lack of a better word, is depressing.

I remember when this past holiday season ended and we welcomed in 2010, I felt like,”What are we going to have to look forward to until next Holiday Season?”

Well, duh! There is SO much to look forward to. Even if it’s not a birthday, or the Superbowl, or Valentine’s Day, or Easter, there are oodles of other events, both planned and spontaneous, that will pop up and fill our days with joy.

The year is almost halfway over.

It has been FAR more beautiful and exciting than I ever imagined. A reminder we can make each day or week special just by BEING.

With that said, I need to snap out of my post birthday/graduation/dance recital funk.

We’ve been having a quiet week at home and I am feeling a bit guilty that we aren’t out at the pool. Or at the park. Or at summer camp.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve felt A LOT of frustration this week. Kids not listening. 15 daily outfit changes (and they’re not mine, thanks!). Ants. Whining, arguing and climbing out of the cart while trying to pick up a few things at the grocery. Daring the Old Navy guy to tell me not to bring the Marshall’s cart in the store. No naps! My voice being at a much higher decibel than I’d like.

I’m missing the excitement and activities of last week. Visitors. Graduation. Dinner celebration. Making candy leis. A trip to the pool. Dance rehearsal. Beautiful recital. BBQ with friends. Etc.

I am all about packing a lot in and having a full calendar, but at the same time I enjoy days at home cleaning, organizing, doing laundry, listening to the little ones splash around in the water table out back, dancing around to our faves on iTunes and preparing dinner.

So, why am I having such a hard time this week?

I think it’s the pressure of Summer and the fact that we should be doing all sorts of fun things.

And we will.

This weekend is full of much to be happy about ~ Father’s Day, a matinee to see our friend Emilie perform in “Alice in Wonderland”, a Mommy “Bitch Bingo” Night, the maiden voyage with our new ice cream maker and just spending time as a family.

I can always get my groove back when I am reminded of all that we’ve had in the past, what we may (or may not) have presently and all that we have to look forward to in the future.

There will be busy weeks, boring weeks, fun days, not-so-fun days, but it all comes down to BALANCE.

{Google Images}

Must be the Libra in me.

Finding a healthy balance will always be what I strive for.

That is when I am in the groove.

However, Stella had the right idea…take a trip to Jamaica with a girlfriend.

Now THAT would definitely allow me to get my groove back.

Any takers?


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ 6.17.10

2 cups coffee with creamer: 4 points

3/4 cup Kashi cereal with 1/2 cup milk: 3.5 points

1 cup red seedless grapes: 1 point

Tuna salad on a sandwich thin: 5 points

Small Golden Spoon frozen yogurt (no topping): 4 points

1 cup ground turkey in lettuce wraps: 6 points

Total: 23.5 points


Walked long route to clubhouse (1.5 miles)

32 minutes on elliptical @ 10 (3.o miles, 350 cals)

Ran home: (1 mile)

Juicy Fruit

The countdown is on…

4 more days ’til Watermelon Season!

{Sticky pics taken July ’09}


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ 6.16.10

2 cups coffee with 4 tbsp. creamer: 4 points

Package instant oatmeal with 1/2 banana: 4 points

3 oz. lemon dill tuna & cheddar w/ light mayo on sandwich thin: 5 points

1 cup red seedless grapes: 1 point

1 fudgesicle (Splenda): 1 point

1 Frigo light string cheese: 1 point

1/2 cup farfalle pasta with 1 cup ground turkey tomato sauce: 7 points

Total: 23 points


Walked to and from clubhouse: 2 miles

46+ minutes on elliptical @10 resis: 4.25 miles, 500 cals

I Scream, You Scream

We finally added a Cuisinart ice cream maker to the family.

Homemade Nutella Ice Cream coming up this weekend…

…and maybe some ice cream sammies the following weekend?


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ 6.15.10

2 cups coffee w/ 4 tbsp. hazelnut creamer: 4 points

Banana: 2 points

1/2 cup canned FF refried beans: 2 points

Turkey & light cheddar w/ mustard on whole wheat sandwich thin: 5 points

2 cups red seedless grapes: 2 points

Light string cheese: 1 point

Safeway “Eating Right” Sesame Chicken frozen meal: 7 points

Total: 23 points


Walked to clubhouse and back: 2 miles

30+ minutes on elliptical @ 10 resistance: 3 miles, 400 cals

DIY(ish) Book/Mag Rack

I bought this black plate rack forever and a day ago at Home Goods.

It never made it onto the wall for whatever reason.

One can of red spray paint later and you have a cute, curly crimson book rack for your new reading nook!

I’ll look for some more substantial pillows, but these will do for now:

And a little added self-portrait artwork from school:

The perfect little summer reading spot.

I think it’ll also make a fun place to display cards during the holidays!


Flip Flop Fitness Update ~ 6.14.10

2 cups coffee w/ 4 total tbsp. FF Hazelnut Creamer: 2 points

1 Slimfast shake: 3 points

Ham & cheese on Multi-grain sandwich thin w/ mustard: 5 points

2 cups cantaloupe: 2 points

1/2 cup canned FF refried beans: 2 points (random snack)

Safeway “Eating Right” Sesame Chicken frozen meal: 7 points (dinner)

1 Tootsie Roll: 1 point??

Total points: 22


Walked to gym (2.0 round trip)

45+ minutes on elliptical @ 10 resistance (4.25 miles, 500 cals)

Getting To The Point

I have to admit, lately I’ve not been as focused on my good eating habits and workout regimen as I had hoped to be.

A bag of pretzel or coconut M&M’s here….

A Monday evening glass (or two) of wine during “The Bachelorette” there…

A trip to Red Robin for Elliott’s graduation…

Too many Tootsie Rolls…

But, as of today, Monday, June 14th, 2010, I am going to “turn over a new leaf”, start with a clean slate, whatever….

I’m returning to the Weight Watchers point system and I am going to have you all be my witnesses and hold me accountable.

Each day, at the bottom of my regular post, I’ll include a brief summary of the foods I consumed and the point value assigned to them along with what I did exercise-wise. I know this may sound boring, but it will help me stay on track so I won’t be tempted as much because I am a TERRIBLE liar and so I will not sit here and say that I ate a rice cake when I really ate a double Whopper.

What I post that I ate, I ate.

I will also mention that in the interest of “all things in moderation” I will tend to splurge on the weekends. So when you see some good stuff on Saturday & Sunday, don’t think that I am slippin’….it’s just that I refuse to go through life saying that I will never eat another cheeseburger or ice cream cone or drink another margarita. That’s just not me, BUT I can eat clean and put in extra time at the gym or run during the week, but “enjoy life” a little during the weekends. I’ve done it before and I can do it again.

According to WW, I should consume 26 points per day. I am going to stick to 25 for now and then revisit in a month or so.

With that said, I am looking forward to my oatmeal and 1/2 banana this morning along with my coffee with MEASURED Coffee-mate!

Thanks for helping me get in shape for the Las Vegas Rock N Roll Half Marathon in early December.

I promise there will still be fun posts and still some yummy recipes, though!

So, please…..if you visit for the food, please be assured that I will still be baking and cooking and grilling! I may just have to learn how to make all sorts of awesome goodies to share with you all and NOT touch them myself!

Again, thank you for your support.

Happy Monday!

Tennis, Anyone?

Last night I dusted off the ‘ol Wilson graphite raquet and played a set of doubles with some Ladies.

It was spontaneous and so much fun. Thanks Hollie, Vicki & Lisa!

Hadn’t picked up a raquet in a million years, but I wasn’t too rusty. The serves were decent, but the backhand needs a little sprucing up.

All in all it was better than I anticipated and something active rather that sitting on the couch watching SYTYCD!

I guess it was “So You Think You Can Play Tennis”…..

Well, yes I can!

I felt all “fancy”. At the club. Sure beats laundry, dishes, vacuuming and the like.

Tennis is nice because the courts are lit and when it gets a zillion and a half degrees here in the Summer, we can play later at night when it “cools down” ~ 9pm tennis match, anyone?

Looks like I’ll be kickin’ off the flops and tying up the Nikes a little more often.

Take A Hike!

This morning we checked out Placerita Canyon State Park.

We figure we’d better get out and do this stuff before the temps get over 100*…which will be soon enough!

There is a trail to a waterfall, but it was 5 miles round trip! The tikes aren’t quite ready for that just yet, so we hiked to the water tower instead!

Enjoying the view:

{I am currently obsessed with these $3 Organic Cotton “wife beater” racer back tanks from Wal-mart}

My absolute fave pic of the day:

Playing in the creek:

We learned all about owls and this little falcon:

Try explaining “taxidermy” to an almost 5 year old, too! That’s fun….

“Is it dead?”

“Uh, yes it is, Sweetie.”

“Well, why is it’s eyes open?”

“Uh, well…..”

I told her she would learn more about it in school when she gets older! Is that bad???

Seriously, how do you explain that?

Nature sure is tiring:

Hope your weekend has been full of exploring and one adventure after another!

What’s Next? Geritol?

When I went for my “visit” with the “lady doctor” last week she gave me a list of vitamins and supplements to start popping since my Women’s One a Day apparently is not enough for my rapidly approaching 4-0 self.

1. Vitamin E ~ Protects skin from ultraviolet light, prevents cell damage from free radicals, allows cells to communicate effectively, and helps protect against prostate cancer (for my male readers!) and Alzheimer’s disease.

2. Primrose Oil ~ For my lovely “fibrocystic breast” problems

3. Vitamin D3 ~ Together with calcium, helps to protect older adults from osteoporosis.

4. Calcium ~ Again, protects against the whole “old lady” osteoporosis thing!

Quite the list, I must say. So, we went to Trader Joe’s this weekend and I ventured to the vitamin aisle where I normally just pick up my Emergen-C…love that stuff during cold & flu season. Anyways, I loaded up my little red cart with the above mentioned goodness and then took a side trip to Wal-mart for one of these:

Happy Mother’s Day to me!

I am supposed to cut down on caffeine, which means less of this:

…and more of these:

Now THAT’S a tough pill to swallow!

Shot In The Arm

Today I went for my “annual visit”…ladies, you know the one.

It was a hectic morning trying to get out of the house…


Sipping my coffee

Toasting up a waffle

Pouring some Cheerios & milk

Feeding the dogs

Letting the dogs out

Having Elliott draw a picture for Teacher Appreciation Week

Remembering it’s Tuesday and the gardeners are coming

Picking up the poop and myriad of toys in the backyard

Mixing up chocolate milk

Getting everyone dressed

Dropping Holden off at the neighbor’s

Listening to Elliott cry and whine because she can’t stay at the neighbor’s

Blah, Blah, Blah!

One of THOSE mornings where you wonder how people with more than 2 kids do it…

I dropped Elliott off at school and was 40 minutes early to my appointment. I was literally looking forward to sitting in my car for awhile ~ alone ~ with my own thoughts. No phone calls. No music.

I hate being late to appointments so I showed up at 9:30 for my 10:00 and read some magazines. Again, ALONE which was so nice! So much for getting there early…I was still reading those same magazines 45 minutes later after several women came and signed in AFTER me. Saying that they were there for their 10:30 appt and going in before me???


I started getting irritated and went up to ask the girl “Uh, when are they gonna call me?” “You’re next.” Well, duh….I know I’m next because I am the ONLY one in here now!


Fast forward 10 minutes and now I’m irritated AND wearing a pink paper top with a white paper sheet half skirt and sitting…waiting!


Finally, there is the knock on the door followed by my midwife fighting through the curtain to enter the room. Carrying her laptop and opening it to get started. Fortunately I am an easy patient. Nothing new to report. Just there for my yearly visit.


She was so sweet and so impressed with my weight loss since last Spring. She complimented me on my blood pressure. She asked me more about my half marathon and where I was doing boot camp. She was like my own little personal health cheerleader. Telling me to keep up the good work.

That’s all. That’s all I needed to turn my morning around. A little shot in the arm to let me know I am going in the right direction. A little “Rah! Rah!” from the white coat!

It felt so good.

Can’t wait to go back next Spring and see what she says about me then.

Look out 40, here I come!