What’s Next? Geritol?

When I went for my “visit” with the “lady doctor” last week she gave me a list of vitamins and supplements to start popping since my Women’s One a Day apparently is not enough for my rapidly approaching 4-0 self.

1. Vitamin E ~ Protects skin from ultraviolet light, prevents cell damage from free radicals, allows cells to communicate effectively, and helps protect against prostate cancer (for my male readers!) and Alzheimer’s disease.

2. Primrose Oil ~ For my lovely “fibrocystic breast” problems

3. Vitamin D3 ~ Together with calcium, helps to protect older adults from osteoporosis.

4. Calcium ~ Again, protects against the whole “old lady” osteoporosis thing!

Quite the list, I must say. So, we went to Trader Joe’s this weekend and I ventured to the vitamin aisle where I normally just pick up my Emergen-C…love that stuff during cold & flu season. Anyways, I loaded up my little red cart with the above mentioned goodness and then took a side trip to Wal-mart for one of these:

Happy Mother’s Day to me!

I am supposed to cut down on caffeine, which means less of this:

…and more of these:

Now THAT’S a tough pill to swallow!