Flip Flop Follies
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Hogwarts Holiday Weekend
Well hello, friends! Is anyone still out there in blog land? Lately I’ve been checking in on a few blogs that I used to faithfully read and it has ignited a fire in me to sit down, check-in and write a little post here and there since I haven’t done one since mid-December 2015! I […]

Holiday Fever
Hello friends! Just popping in to follow up on this year’s big holiday party that I shared on my last post. We almost didn’t make it as Jay was under the weather with a fever for a few days leading up to the big night. I was bummed but at peace with the fact that […]

Holiday Celebration ~ Indiana Jones Style
Jay’s company holiday party is only about 2 weeks away and I am trying to tie up some loose ends with our outfits. This year is an “Adventure. Action. Thrills.” theme with nod to Indiana Jones so I immediately thought I would wear a khaki safari inspired dress I’ve had sitting in my closet waiting […]

Naked Tree
Lately on Facebook I have seen lots of friends posting pictures of canvases they have created at these wine and painting places where you sip and follow along step by step with an actual artist as they walk you through your way to a beautiful, colorful masterpiece made by YOU! We have one here in […]

My name is Amy and I am a daughter, wife, mother, daughter-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, niece, friend, maid, personal chef, folder of laundry, poop picker-upper, dish do-er, toy organizer, band-aid applier, face wiper and lover of LIFE!
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I only recommend products and services that I genuinely love and believe will add value to your life. Your support helps keep this blog running, so thank you for being here and for supporting what I do!
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Thank you!