All I have to say is, if you’re a kindergarten teacher, you’re a saint.
I was assigned to the “yellow table” to help with an estimation exercise where the kiddos had a picture of a snowman and needed to estimate how many mini marshmallows it took to cover the snowman. They then put their estimation in the “guess” box, covered the snowman in marshmallows, removed and counted the marshmallows and finally reported the actual number of ‘mallows in the “check” box.
Easy right?
Bless their hearts…they did great, but all the friends at the table were counting too loud and at the same time and someone would inevitably get off on their counting and would have to start all over again.
Let’s just say that most were {a little} off…estimating is HARD. I was never any good at guessing how many jelly beans were in the jar anyway!
Most days {95% of the time} I pack Elliott’s lunch. Once in a blue moon she gets to buy {hot lunch} at school and this is a treat. Just so happened that today was a treat.
I was finishing up helping the teacher with some busy work when they went out to the lunch area. She desperately wanted me to come by the tables and say good bye and, of course, I did. She had already gone through the line and selected her lunch.
A slice of cheese pizza.
French fries.
A chocolate chip cookie.
Chocolate milk. {Of course!}
The end.
I’d hate to map that meal out on the food pyramid.
I rest my case.
That is precisely why hot lunch comes along once in a blue moon.
Maybe 1st grade will bring some healthier hot lunch selections?
Hope your Thursday had at least ONE serving of fruits or veggies.
I did get one silly little kindergartner off to school this morning after her Winter break. We walked… was chilly, but we bundled up and headed out. We’d gotten spoiled and in the habit of driving before the holiday break, but as part of our healthy new year, we’re getting back to going on foot.
There was ample flow of coffee this morning, of course.
With my new find:
White Chocolate Caramel Latte!
Makes a Monday not so mundane.
I don’t know about you, but I am stuck….just can’t seem to get done what I want to do. I have a list a mile long of what I want to do, but can’t seem to get it done. Nothing major. Just odds and ends of Christmas stuff to put away. Bags to take to Goodwill. Thank you notes to write. Garage to organize.
I’m stuck with meals, too. Can’t seem to find any eye catching recipes to try. I know they’re out there. I went to the grocery today without a list and that is never good….can home with bag loads of stuff, but still don’t quite know what’s for dinner this week!
Looks like it’ll be the same salad with grilled chicken again. And again.
I promise to have some new recipes next week, if not later this week.
Dried pine needles litter the floor, half the ornaments are cozy in tissue paper and put away in the box, turkey noodle soup is on the stove and turkey salad is in the ‘fridge ready for sandwiches tomorrow.
Here we are 3 days post Christmas and the kids are still in their jammies ~ one with a slight fever and one still napping at 6:30pm {yikes!}
The house is semi back-to-normal…dishwasher is empty, laundry is {almost} caught up, the upstairs is vacuumed, there is one bag ready for Goodwill and the new toys and goodies have found a home.
Jay’s poor uncle is stuck in Miami until Friday, though. He can’t get a flight out to NYC until then….thank goodness he has a friend in South Florida.
A little sad that it’s all over, but looking forward to another New Year’s Eve close to home {on our street!} and possibly {OK, for sure} some karaoke. Look out Beyonce…..
Some good stuff is already on the calendar for January ~ 1st or 2nd {Rose Parade float viewing} and then the following weekend is reserved to help my bestie welcome the big FOUR-OH! Trying to figure out how to wrap her walker and making a mental note to head to Wal-mart for some Geritol!
Should be fun.
Then it’s back the the ol grind with school, homework, sight words, dance class and workouts!
I have let myself slide since December 5th…too much indulging and certainly not enough activity.
OK, so maybe a {little} activity, but certainly not enough!
Now to vacuum up those pine needles and ladle up that soup.
Hope your Tuesday had you relishing in the last few days of 2010!