Super Bee
Speaking of Busy Bees in my last post, we had a visitor yesterday after school that spent the night with us.
Super Bee.
Super Bee is Elliott’s classroom mascot.
He gets to take turns visiting the students and goes home to the kids with good {bee}havior for the day!
We wanted to make sure that Super Bee had a buzzing good time at our casa so we spent the afternoon outside riding trikes and scooters.
Here is SB sitting on the bumper of the car watching…
Elliott put SB in her Hello Kitty purse and we took a stroll around the block.
She was sure to leave it a little unzipped so SB wouldn’t get too warm!
We met some nice new neighbors and introduced them to SB.
After dinner, we went to Golden Spoon for dessert. {Red Mango was closed!}
Here is SB eyeing the Peanut Butter/Vanilla combo with mini dark chocolate chips:
Super Bee comes with a little journal where the kids document his {I don’t know why I assume SB is male} travels…
When we got home from Golden Spoon, Elliott drew a picture of her blue scooter, her yogurt, Rascal and Super Bee himself.
{She drew Rascal because he was VERY curious about SB and sniffed and sniffed him. We had to keep an extra close eye on SB because Rassy has a history of chewing small stuffed animals!!}
I did a little journal write up of our afternoon and evening as Elliott dictated.
We hope you had fun, Super Bee!
Too bad we didn’t get you on a Friday night so we could’ve taken you out on the town and shown you a real good time over the weekend!
Maybe next time…..