Tag Archives: book

Totally Desperate Mom ~ A Book Report

A couple months ago I ordered Wendy Hagen’s, Totally Desperate Mom, from my local Barnes & Noble.

I immediately began reading it and noticed right away that it’s a very quick and easy read if you don’t have to deal with sippy cup refills, short order mac n cheese requests, wiping butts, cleaning up dog vomit, sopping up spills, crustless pb&j’s, cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, time outs, picking up dog poop, practicing sight words, helping with homework, unloading the dishwasher and the like.

I {finally} finished up this book over Spring Break and wanted to offer my review…

This book is a necessity and full of {nutrients} for ALL moms.

Wendy offers faith and hope for moms who have suffered the loss of a child or women having difficulty conceiving, encouragement and support for {present} moms and a raw, honest warning of what is to come for {future} mamas!

There were many “oh good, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks/does this” moments along the way in this book for me. Some tears and giggles preceded and followed these thoughts, too.

This book is a must for your mama library and a nice read if you have a couple hours {alone} out by the pool or at the beach!

Please visit Wendy’s blog here and order your book here now!

You are more than welcome to borrow mine as long as you don’t have any outstanding library fees. 😉

Happy Monday!


Don’t Be Immune To A Good Book


This morning was busy…drop-off, Book Fair, PTA meeting…

Elementary school is no joke!

I’m already trying to plan how I can volunteer in the classroom, help with PTA sponsored fun like the Father/Daughter dance, Jog-A-Thon, stay on top of homework and run a household.

Not to mention fitting in 20 minutes reading time each night.

I admit, we have not been the best book readers lately. We have oodles of good books and go to the library from time to time, but we need to be better about sitting down and logging reading hours this school year.

The kids {especially Holdy} will sit and read on their own, but I too enjoy a good children’s book. My current faves are the Fancy Nancy and Pinkalicious series.

Elliott made her wish list yesterday when her class visited the book fair in the library. She copied the names of the titles she wanted onto a sheet of paper and I went and tracked down her book choices this morning.

A book caught my eye, however:


I was drawn to the darling title, but mostly the vintage inspired illustrations!

Not to mention that it’s the cutest little story.

With the varicella vaccine nowadays, our kids won’t experience this pesky virus like we did, but I was going to use this book as a way to explain how vaccines {and as our kids know them…”shots”} work and the benefits of them.

So, if you see this adorable title at your school book fair or know someone who has chicken pox, think about picking it up! It truly is a story that I’m going to have fun reading ~ rhymes that roll off your tongue accompanied by the tastiest illustrations.

As for me, my latest read is this:


Yes, I love Tori {and Dean!}. I’ve read her other two books. I refuse to buy them so I just reserve them at the library…they are super duper quick reads. My kind of books.

I don’t know how well I’d do in a book club.

Unless they like these types of mindless reads. And drink wine. And enjoy delicious little finger foods.

I could do that.

But yes, I am reading this now and plan to start Bethenny Frankel’s books next.

Love her, too.

Can you see a pattern here?

Reality TV junkie. {raising hand}

Nevertheless, we are starting to read AT LEAST 20 minutes a night here at Chez Aspiras.

We can become immune to chicken pox, but I certainly don’t want my little ones to ever be immune to reading!

What children’s books do y’all enjoy?

Always looking for some new ones…it’s much more fun to read to your kids when YOU like the book, too!

Am I right?


Happy Wednesday!

Cover To Cover

This is Elliott’s baby book:

It was a gift from our friends Leah & Bryan.

It’s full of all sorts of information…her vital statistics at birth and over the past few years, our family tree, a list of all the wonderful gifts we received before and after her arrival, photos of her first bath, first holiday, first trip to Disneyland. The date of eruption of all her little teeth is recorded in here. Her “favorite” things when she was a baby. What she ate along the way and her sleep patterns. It highlights her first four birthdays and even holds the news worthy events that took place on the day of her birth. It is chock full of beautiful memories and I can’t tell you how many times I have read it since her birth and relived all these beautiful moments.

There are only 2 pages left ~ one waiting for the black pen to glide over it and document one LAST milestone as far as this little book is concerned, and one page waiting for a photo to be affixed to it with double-sided tape. I can see it now…Elliott in her new school clothes, carrying her new lunch box, with a BIG smile on her face. My baby is going to kindergarten!

“My First School Day”

This page will be filled out in only 5 short months and then this book will be complete. I can hardly believe that this little yellow book that once was stiff and empty, pages pristine and smooth is now a keepsake for Elliott, seams expanding from all the pictures and other little special documents like copies of her birthday invitations and a notebook page with the journal entry made by my 96-year old “Gam” the day Elliott was born.

This book is filled with beauty from the past 5 years.

I cannot wait to see what memories and milestones the next 5 years bring…..