Category Archives: Fashion


Hey Floppers ~ Happy Monday!

Have you entered the giveaway? 22 people “Like” the rosette necklace, but only 11 have entered. Hmmmm, where’s the other 50%?

C’mon now, don’t be shy! Absolutely anyone is free to enter…about 33 more hours to go.


School starts in just 9 days.


This summer has been a wonderful blend of family, friends, beach, pool, ice cream and otter pops!

{two cute shots from the weekend ~ thanks karen!}

I am ready to get back into a routine and buckle down. I adore summer, but I am more than ready for Fall!


Picked up these Chucks for Holden today ~ $10 Marshall’s. Love the neutral color.

Nothing more adorable on 4.5 year old feet…..

Also counting down to a new dinner recipe this evening…I am so excited to make it and share.

Stay tuned….


I’m totally tardy to the rolled rosette bib statement necklace party. And why didn’t I start making these earlier?

But I have made a few now and I LOVE how I can throw one together in a jiffy.

I am giving away my latest one along with a coordinating rosette ring.

This one features 6 rosettes in various sizes in a sort of asymetrical layout and hangs on a black grosgrain ribbon which lets you choose the length you want ~ just tie it in a pretty bow where it fits you best.

The fabric is black with bits of hot pink, yellow, orange, turquoise and white and will add a fun subtle punch of color to your wardrobe year round. It would look darling with my all time favorite outfit ~ a crisp white top, some comfy old jeans and a pair of fun flats, wedges or of course flip flops!

The ring is a one-size-fits-most deal and has a matching mini rosette perched on top. Again, will add a little somethin’ somethin’ to a casual, everyday outfit and compliment the necklace perfectly.

{not a professional hand model!}

Giveaway is open until midnight {PST} Tuesday, August 9th 2011. I will randomly select and announce the winner on Wednesday morning, August 10th 2011.

To enter, please {Like} Flip Flop Follies on Facebook if you haven’t already and leave me a comment telling me your favorite thing you’ve done this summer!

That’s it! Go enter now….

Don’t be tardy to the Giveaway Party!


I’ve been wanting to make a rosette bib necklace for some time now.

There are a bajillion tutorials out there in blogland, but the most recent one I’ve seen being here.

I had the fabric {and felt} on hand and picked up the rustic chain at Joann’s.

Maybe I will branch out when I make others and add more rosettes in varying sizes, patterns and colors and posibly a few buttons or what not…but for now I am satisfied with this simple piece.

Perfect for Fall and Winter for the perfect friend.

Hope she likes it.

And I hope you have a great week ahead!

Frugal Friday ~ The $5 Fedora

Not until recently did I become a fan of hats. I just never really thought they looked good on me. But they’ve almost become a necessary accessory {say that 3 times fast!} these days. No, it’s not everyday that I wash, blowout, flat iron my hair so often times it goes in a low, messy pony and on goes a hat. My current fave is the fedora. I picked up a little cheetah print one at Target about a year ago and I get so many compliments on it ~ the latest one being from the lifeguard {female} at the pool yesterday. Why thank you!

While I was in Wally World this morning picking up a few toiletries, I stumbled upon these that were on clearance for $5.

I was really looking for a straw one, but got sidetracked by the look and price of these {not that they were expensive to begin with. Ha!}.

I couldn’t decide on one, but for 5 bills….

They’ll definitely appear lots over the rest of the summer.

Along with the low, messy {dirty} pony.

Get Inspired!

I’ve been following Heather’s weekly inspiration links with {Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!} and today I decided I was going to link up.

This week’s prompt is PAMPER YOURSELF.

Yes, I can do that!

I believe pampering can be as simple as sitting alone, quietly sipping on a Diet Coke to browsing the aisles of Target {again, alone!} to enjoying a relaxing massage.

Today I’m going to pick door number 3 and choose to pamper myself with a Milk & Honey Body Wrap.

Back when I worked {for money!} I was lucky enough to travel quite a bit and, from time to time, was given the opportunity to partake in a massage or spa treatment. The ONE that I will never forget was the Milk & Honey Body Wrap at Paradise Point in San Diego.

It was a full body massage, foot massage and body treatment all in one ~ my skin was so soft afterwards I didn’t want to get dressed. And the warm vichy shower……heaven!


If you’re in San Diego and want to pamper yourself, head on over to Paradise Point and schedule a spa treatment. Looks like they’ve added a couple new options on their spa menu….Island Fresh Pineapple Scrub and Vanilla Cream Java Wrap!

Oh my.

Sign me up!

How would you pamper yourself on this Thursday?


There’s a new time suck in town…

It’s a fun way to create virtual bulletin boards of all your favorite things, ideas and inspiration.

View recipes, craftiness, home decor, diy, tutorials, on & on!

You could spend DAYS finding inspiration.

I spent 10 minutes and {pinned} some Summer Lovin’ goodness…

You can see it here.

I’ve only touched the tip of the Pinterest iceberg ~ still new and not quite sure what I’m doing, but I sure like what I see!

Someone even pinned my saltine toffee off this here blog! Kinda cool…

I need to figure out how to add {pins} to Pinterest.

Will have to wait ’til another day…we’re off to the pool!

Happy Friday!

Down By The Sea

Almost a year ago I wrote this post and mentioned how I missed out on some Miss Trish of Capri flops at Target.


I set out on an early morning Target run for a couple 6-year old boy birthday gifts, odds and ends for end-of-the-year teacher gifts and whatever else {jumped} into my cart….do you have that problem, too?

I turned the corner into the shoe department when, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a clearance rack holding Miss Trish’s flops, oh dear!

Not gonna get away from this mama again……

{I loooooooooovvvvvve the metallic pair with the fish! Actually love is an understatement….I [may] have picked up an teeeny tiny pair for a special little girl that will be celebrating a birthday real soon, too}

In order to soften the blow that the turquoise beauties don’t come in my size, I treated myself to this gorgeous coral statement ring…

…and these gold seashell danglies…

{both 75% off…yup!}

I also picked up a spf rash guard for Holden for under 5 bucks.

I would say that we have a good start on our summer wardrobe and our trip to Myrtle Beach!

Love me some {orange sticker} Target finds.

Happy Friday!

An {Apple} A Day…..

Thanks to all who clicked “Like” on the {Flip Flop Follies} Facebook page.

Looks like Jay is eating his words and thinks he set the bar a little too low.

Oh well! 😉

{He told me once I got 100 [likes] on my FB page he’d buy be an iPad}

It’s not like he won’t benefit from it as well….

Hmmm, maybe if I get the {pink} cover he won’t want anything to do with it. Ha!

Again, thanks for clicking and for all your support!

Happy Friday.

Dye Another Day

I had all intentions of dying my grays in time for the Easter Bunny.

But after little missy fell ill, I just told myself, “Dye another day!”

So, I mentioned this stuff last week…

{pure darkest brown}

I’ve noticed, while looking at pictures of myself over the years, that I like my hair darker ~ almost black. I do not do the highlights thing. I am a one color all over girl. I have mucho grays. I need to color the ‘do about every 5-6 weeks. I get my hair professionally colored about twice a year, but to save money in between, I color it myself at home.

I hate coloring it myself at home.

Drips. Drops. Spills. Stains.

I’d heard about these new foams or mousses and decided to give it a try.

Love. It.

I was able to color my hairs this morning despite the kids running around screaming. No mess. No drips. GREAT coverage. Pleasant smell.

I picked this up on sale at Target for about 8 bucks.

Bottom line…doesn’t matter if I spend $80 or $8, the grays still reappear after 3 weeks! My hair follicles do not know the diff. I am thrilled that I can now do touch up between my twice a year professional colorings with ease.

For root touch ups I use this…

It’s fantastic and blends well with any professional hair color. Have used it MANY times and will continue to do so.

But today I needed the whole she-bang! I highly recommend L’Oreal Sublime Mousse.

The second best thing about this mousse?

It’s calorie free.