We do things a little differently around these parts…
and I’m NOT 100% proud of it, but I want the kids to learn how to express themselves through dance.
We have a little family tradition that we do before the kids go to bed on non-school nights (Tues & Thurs) ~ the kids have a “Dance Party”! (on school nights we read our favorite books ~ Pinkalicious, Fancy Nancy, Three Little Pigs, etc.)
We have a “retreat” off of the master bedroom and Jay has the stereo set up there. Holden turns on the stereo, Elliott pulls the antique step stool away from the edge of our bed into the middle of the room and Jay starts playing the music from iTunes on the laptop!
The Dance Party starts off innocently with songs from Glee or her Sarah McLachlan fave “Ordinary Miracle”…Elliott dances around, twirls, kicks and jumps off the step stool. Holden follows along…
Well, last night I came home from the gym to the whole house shakin’, rattlin’ and rollin’ and went up stairs to find them dancing to this:
OK, this is NOT my song of choice (clean version, of course!), but we were in complete hysterics watching these two dance. Holden started a new move that he does with his arms and then breaks out into some robot motions. Elliott is borderline locking and popping….it is so interesting to me that they can switch their style of dance from flowy and graceful during the Glee soundtrack to hard hitting, more sharp moves for LMFAO!
We NEED to have the video camera ready at the next Dance Party!
I’m trying to teach Elliott about matching or coordinating when she chooses her daily outfits, but sometimes you just gotta let it go!
She recently started dance class again and now that she’s older, she’s loving it that much more. She was so excited to wear her OLD purple, almost-too-small leotard and coordinating tattered, sheer skirt to class on Friday, BUT before we headed to the car she said she thought she needed some tights since she may get cold….knowing that we didn’t really have any white ones I tried to discourage it, but she said “I have the RED ones!” Fine. Go ahead Punky and get the red tights!
Then, as if the red tights weren’t enough, she paired this ensemble with her brown boots!
She used to NOT want anything to do with temporary tattoos or band-aids, but now….
If you look on her right arm, you’ll see her latest “inking” ~ a few roses.
So there you have it…our Funky Punky Tatted Up Ballerina Girl!
This morning I have a “git ‘er done!” attitude….look out.
Lots to do today and I’m in the mood to do it!
Nothin’ like getting the week off to a productive start.
Here’s to having a fUnKy, spunky, constructive MoNdAy!
Cranberry Meatballs(as seen here)
Sonoma Salad (find it here)
Artichoke Dip (check it out here)
Superbowl sipping will be vodka crans with a twist of lime.
There…..done! That was easy!
2. Elliott made all her playdate friends some paper chains – one for each child. She was busy, cutting, taping and creating this morning…this was all HER idea! Love that girl…
3. I’ve been bitten by a creativity bug….all these cute blogs that I’ve discovered…the only thing is is that I’m not a sewer or a scrapbooker or a gardener, but I am feeling inspired and am going to look around the house and see what I can CREATE or REARRANGE or ORGANIZE and give the place a little kick in the pants for Valentine’s Day! So glad it’s on a weekend so we can celebrate as a family and I can try some new recipes! Stay tuned…
4. I am feeling a little selfish lately and am looking forward to reserving a teeny bit of this year’s tax return for MYSELF. (Don’t worry Jay….I only need a few bucks (relatively speaking, of course!) There are some goodies that I have my eye on….nothing expensive, just a couple things on Etsy, The Pioneer Woman Cookbook and a couple apothecary jars….that’s about it.
5. Countdown to Holden’s 3rd birthday party…I am having fun planning the menu, getting the favor bags all figured out, picturing the decorations all hung and working out the FUN cake that I have planned…
I am also excited to see how low I can keep the budget on this party ~ so far, so good:
*Invites were under 10 cents a piece
*FREE bounce house thanks to MEG!
*Decorations from Dollar Tree and 90% off Christmas stuff @ Target
*Making my own cake
waiting for dance class to begin. benefits of knowing someone @ glacéau. saturday morning donuts. deciding on sushi. chopstick cuties. cravings satisfied. frosting & sprinkles. u-rod visiting. fire truck inspection. pioneer woman’s garlic cheese bread. ready for errands with daddy.
….all because of several “P”ioneer “W”oman recipes that I tried.
We took a little drive and played in some “P”owdery “W”hite!
There were a couple “P”igskin “W”ins to determine this year’s Superbowlers.
So I guess you could say that it was a “P”erfectly “W”onderful weekend!
On Saturday night I made Pioneer Woman’s “most favorite burger ever (for now)”. You can find the recipe here.
They were delish and a nice departure from the turkey burgers with cheddar and horseradish that I’ve been making for the past few years now! Jay was pleased that I finally made some HAMburgers with real ground BEEF!
Here is a “before” pic:
Um, let me just say that what you see above is 2 pounds of meat…PW uses 2 pounds of meat for TWO burgers! What? I mean I know cowboys work hard and all and can put some food away, but WOW! Those’d be some GRANDE burgers! Half pounders are MORE than enough for us!
Here is the “in process” pic:
And, my friends, here is the “after” pic when these babies are all dressed up and ready to go:
Please don’t tell PW that I served her fave burgers with Ore Ida Seasoned Crinkle Fries! Shhhhh!
I tell you, I have a whole new appreciation for the Kaiser Roll! I usually use toasted english muffins for my burgers, but kaisers are a tad crunchy on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside! I followed PW’s orders and buttered and toasted them and OMG! Sorry, little english muffins, but these were fantastic and the tabasco mayo, caramelized onions and bleu cheese put them over the top. I used fresh baby spinach as my “green” just so I could feel like there was some sort of healthy component to this meal!
After this scrumptous dinner, I ran to Target to get Holden some boots for the snow since we had a little mini road trip planned for Sunday morning. This is what I found:
Lovin’ all the Paul Frank stuff at one of my favorite stores these days!
I got up early Sunday morning and made some Monkey Bread. Another evil concoction that PW has on her blog!
Now this stuff is like a drug so be careful!
After we ate the sinful Monkey Bread, we headed to Frazier Park for some fun in the snow!
The quesadillas were good…Jay said the shrimp was “not evident”…hmmm, I think the camarones should be evident in a quesadilla named after them so next time I’ll add more of the little critters. He also wasn’t a big fan of the green salsa, so next time maybe some homemade red salsa to go alongside. After indulging in the monkey bread earlier in the day, I felt guilty about adding butter to the pan to brown and crisp up the tortillas…but I had to follow PW’s orders. Next time I may try to make them a little more figure friendly….I tried to go a little lighter on the queso, too. But overall, they were good!
I also made some quacamole….I can’t blame PW for that. That was all MY doing, unfortunately.
2 ripe avocados
1/4 onion (red or white), minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 small tomato, seeded & chopped
bunch cilantro, chopped
juice of 1 lime or 1/2 lemon
salt & pepper to taste
dash cumin
That’s it! Mix it all up and dig in with your favorite tortilla chips.
I think I’ll have to incorporate more “P”lentiful “W”orkouts into this week’s agenda because there are a couple other visions of yumminess I’d like to try on PW’s blog…it’s a vicious cycle!
Today is my Uncle Larry’s (AKA “Unc” and “Grunc”to the kids) 70th Birthday!
This weekend Unc and his darling lady friend, Jill, are coming to visit and celebrate his BIG day.
My uncle is an a-maz-ing artist. He had a very successful career based out of San Francisco and a few years ago he sold his cute litte A-frame house in Woodside and “retired” in Wawona, Yosemite.
Even though he lived in the Bay Area, Unc was always around for the big celebrations ~ Thanksgiving, Christmas, graduations, weddings, etc. There are even rumors that he cut his Europe trip short in October of 1970 so that he could be there for my birth! He has always made an effort to be at the BIG things in my/our life. He and Jill absolutely love Elliott and Holden and, because of that, I think we get to see them more often now and I LOVE THAT!
Here are some pieces that Unc did several years ago. Super duper talent going on here.
The first two were done for The Monterey Bay Aquarium, the third was a greeting card which he used my grandfather as a model and the final one is a Christmas card that his representative had all her artists do one year (the model in this pic is his sweet girl, Elsie. We miss you!):
Here is a picture of Grunc meeting Elliott for the first time in August ’05:
And here are a couple from our 4th of July ’09 trip to Wawona:
I know that E & H are already appreciating their Grunc’s humor as he has given them books entitled: “Walter the Farting Dog”, “That’s Disgusting!” and “Who Pooped in the Park?” Yes, that’s Grunc for you!
Unc, I love you and I love your talent, witt, sarcasm, mountain man-ness, gourmet cooking abilities, board game playing strategies (AKA cheating) and just the fact that you are my one and only uncle! I will never forget our times together from the time I was a little girl to now. I look forward to drinking wine and reminiscing with you this weekend.
Someone recently asked me “What is your fondest memory of Christmas?”
I had to think about it because this question triggered me to think back and relive SO many happy memories of the holidays. I don’t think there is just ONE thing.
My Mom always decorated our home to the nines. Toss pillows on the couch were replaced with green and red numbers, a little Brandy snifter made into a Santa by my Grandfather held green and red M&M’s, a big gold basket held all of the holiday greetings from family and friends, kitchen towels were switched out with ones embroidered with holly, etc., etc. I coule go ON and ON!
I remember loving to sit and look at our tree complete with small colored lights and an assortment of special ornaments collected over the years ~ a good old-fashioned Christmas tree. Each year I would look forward to unwrapping the ornaments from the old, wrinkled tissue paper that protected them in the box throughout the year and place them on the branches. On Christmas morning the gifts would spill out into the entry way from under our tree ~ a tree that just had a handful of packages under it the night before. Santa was ALWAYS very generous.
We would always have toasted Panettone on Christmas morning. My grandmother, Gam, would no doubt come toting a box of this stuff. For me, it was an acquired taste. I’ve grown to love it over the years and now I grab a box of it to enjoy with coffee on Christmas morn.
As a very young girl, I remember going to an annual Christmas party hosted by friends of my parents. They would always have a Santa and my parents would bring a wrapped gift for us. Santa would reach into his sack, pull it out, call our name and we would sit on his lap, tell him what we wished for and walk away with our gift.
I also remember going to the mall with my Dad each year and getting my Mom a big box of See’s candy. She would always tell us that “See’s candy is for adults.” I remember believing her. That didn’t last for long.
I recall visiting a little old lady that my parents knew…she lived in an old folks home and I remember smelling that “old folks home” scent every December. My sister and I would go out into the hall and sit by the big fish tank and watch the fish. This convalescent home visit was a SURE sign that we were in full holiday swing!
My Mom would also make lots of baked goods – peanut butter balls, oatmeal bars (my Dad’s favorite), toffee and orange bread. We would deliver to all the neighbors along with wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I could go on and on. I think that is why I love the holidays so much. So many fun memories as a child. Although I may do things a bit differently now, I know that what I experienced as a child made me appreciate the Christmas season and all the magic that comes along with it.
I think my favorite traditions are sending out cards, baking and shopping for small, token gifts for family & friends. I love taking the kids to see the lights in the neighborhood, visiting Santa, shopping for our annual ornaments, sipping the occasional peppermint coffee drink, overindulging in way too much good food and attending Christmas Eve Mass with the family.
I hope that I pass along the love of the holidays to Elliott & Holden. I want to make Christmas something that they look forward to throughout the year ~ a time spent with family & friends, celebrating tradition and the birth of Baby Jesus.
May you have the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years. May your day be filled with family, friends, food, football and FUN!