They say kids grow up fast, and now I know this to be true!
Where does the time go?
My “baby” is 3 today…seems like he turned 2 yesterday and 1 last week! Sigh…
Holden was due on Monday, February 26, 2007. I guess he decided he wanted to be a Sunday baby like his big sister, Elliott, so there we were, driving the 30+ miles to Los Gatos from Gilroy on a Sunday morning @ 1:30 am. It was POURING down rain and I remember telling Jay to “take your time. I’ll be OK.” I told him not to talk to me so that I could breath through the contractions.
We arrived at Community Hospital and had to go through the Emergency Room since it was after hours. I sat there in a wheelchair while Jay parked the car…the woman could not find my chart. What? I pre-registered AND the doctor sent over my records from her office!!! NO, I was NOT going to fill out all the paperwork AGAIN while breathing through contractions every 3-4 minutes. Figure it out people…so, I begrudgingly signed my life away on all the forms and told her that Jay would fill them out!
I was wheeled to a room, changed into the standard issue hospital garb and requested an epidural STAT. The nurse explained that she’d have to page the anesthesiologist since there wasn’t one on staff at the moment. Huh? OK, whatever. Dr. Clark strolled in about 45 minutes later – in street clothes, hair a mess, NO badge, NO white coat, nothing! “Hello, I’m Dr. Clark and I’ll be doing your epidural.” Me thinking, “Um, OK….can I see a hospital issued badge? Your white coat? Anything that indicates you know anything about inserting a needle into my spine? Anything?” Well, I must’ve trusted him because he wheeled the cart in, oh the beautiful epidural cart, and went to work. Fortunately the nurse came in during the process and said, “Oh, Hi Dr Clark!” So then I knew I was really in good hands!
Dr. Clark worked his magic and I was a happy camper. My dear friend, Melanie picked up Gramma Kathy and Elliott and drove them up.
We were ready!
Things were going great until baby’s heart rate dropped…a nurse called for anyone and everyone to come into the room. She panicked. I panicked. Fortunately a nurse that was calm, cool and collected came in, and took my hand and said that everything would be OK.
Sure enough, I soon was ready to push. I was afraid of this stage because Elliott was “sunny side up” and I pushed for over an hour and a half. Well, this time baby #2 was coming full steam ahead and they told me NOT to push because we had to wait for the on-call doc! So, I just laid there with my oxygen mask on (something I didn’t have with Elliott). She finally walked in, with coffee cup in-hand, took one look and said, “Wow! We’re going to have a baby!” Two pushes and there HE was. I think she assumed I knew what I was having because she went about her business – suctioning and unwrapping the cord THREE TIMES from around his neck – Holden was a “triple cord” baby. That explained the sudden drop in heart rate. Finally she yelled, “It’s a BOY!” I remember crying out with joy…I was totally on the fence and still had NO feeling one way or another. I was ready for a little “Sloane” if she were a girl or “Holden” for a boy.
He was just perfect and resembled his big sister at birth – but again, he had his own precious little look. Less hair. A little cleft chin. Beautiful “pink” color. And gorgeous clear lungs. Those first cries are so special. I can never tire of those squeals. I now had a boy. A sweet son. This was one of the best days ever.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
8:46 am
7 pounds, 4 ounces and 20 inches in length
Holden Oliver Aspiras came into this world.
You were a mama’s boy from the start.

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!
May you have many adventures, discoveries, giggles and good times on your way to FOUR.