The only red{ish} shirt that was clean was his plaid dress shirt. As I was ironing it this morning, Elliott pipes in, “You know how to do that, Mommy?”
Apparently she’s never seen me press anything…..uh, and maybe I haven’t pressed anything in the last 5 years and 9 months.
Yoga pants and tank tops don’t require an ironing board or spray starch, so yes, this would be part of my skill set that she has not yet witnessed.
{Thank you, Jay for doing your own ironing!}
At any rate, he looked beyond adorable in his {beautifully ironed} GAP shirt and spikey hairs…
LOVE this kid!
I asked him what his favorite part of school was today and he said…
This morning I’m doing a little V-day shopping, reaching into my gorgeous cherry red MK handbag and paying with my {magic charge card}. You know…the one where the bill gets sent to Cupid.
I thought I’d chime in and give you an update on our non-Direct TV havin’ selves. It’s been 2 weeks now and guess what….
we’re still ALIVE!
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that we would be just fine sans 1,574,623 channels.
Now does this mean that I am OK with NEVER turning on Direct TV again?
But I must admit, the vacuum cleaner is getting more action. The white grout and the Clorox Clean-Up are seeing A LOT more of each other. The Swiffer has been doing more swiffering. We already need more Gain detergent and fabric softener and I have been more “crafty” and done some homemade goodies for Holden’s party.
Wow….imagine that!
{Because I couldn’t have a post without a pic…thanks Lisa Lisa for recommending this, btw. It rocks on the lovely white tile with white grout counter situation!}
I still get to watch my shows ~ The Biggest Loser, etc. There’s oodles of stuff to watch on, too. I watched an episode of House Hunters {an HGTV fave} the other night…now it may have been from 4 years ago. No biggie.
Did we miss the Superbowl yesterday? Yes, but did I really want to see Christina Aguilera screw up the national anthem?
Not really.
I even went for a {short} run this weekend. Um, how did I ever complete 13.1 miles and now can’t even run 2 without wanting to die? Proof that there is no rest for the weary! I think I just need to register for the Santa Clarita Half on 11.6.11…then I will {have} to get out there and run, run, run!
Anywhoo, if you are on the fence about wanting to watch less TV and want to save some cash every month, I highly suggest thinking about turning off your satellite service for a few months and see how it goes.
I don’t think anyone has ever not survived without Bravo.
This morning I made an appointment for Holdy’s 4-year well check.
We’re always curious to see what the scale says at his appointments. When he turned a year old, he sorta headed for the 3rd to 5th percentile and has been hovering down there ever since.
{I try not to dwell on the percentiles…at least he is short and lightweight so he doesn’t look too skinny!}
However, his newest culinary love interest is HAM.
How random is that?
This kid loves ham so much so, he pulled it out of the ‘fridge one day with a loaf of bread, put it on the counter and went to find Jay to make him a sandwich. I come home from running errands to find the dogs eating the ham out of the brand new package. {Our Border Collie was tall enough to grab it off the counter}
Adios ham!
Today for lunch he ate TWO whole ham sandwiches on wheat bread with mayo! I made him one and would’ve been happy if he had stopped there, but he asked for another one and devoured that.
I guess we’ll be stocking up on ham over the next month and seeing how many sandwiches this kid can put away.
Fingers crossed that he’ll hit 30 pounds at his 4-year check up.
{He was 27 pounds on 9.30.10 when he went in for his flu shot}
Any of you floppers out there have any {healthy} secrets to getting your munchkins to put weight on?
: Grilled cheeseburgers with crinkle fries and Sriracha Ranch :
: Quick Slip N Slide action in the backyard :
: Outdoor play-doh fun :
: Football and more football :
: New dinner recipe :
My sweet, now in CO friend, Alicia, was so kind to send me a subscription to “Real Simple” magazine. I forgot just how much I love this publication. Full of ways to simplify, but still thoroughly enjoy life. Since I am currently obsessed with purging, this mag fits the bill perfectly. Thanks again, Leesh! I love the monthly love in my mailbox.
This month’s issue had a recipe that caught my eye. We’ve been talking about grilling up a pork tenderloin for weeks and when I scouted this one, I knew this was it.
Uh, chili powder and maple glazed pork with sweet potatoes? Yes, please!
It was the perfect recipe for our maiden {pork tenderloin} voyage! Jay grilled the pork instead of broiling as the recipe suggested.
The sweet potatoes paired with the Sriracha sauce?
And I love that there is some spinach thrown in to make you feel extra good about this dish. Next time I will add lots more spinach and maybe half the sweet potato to reduce the starch in the meal.
Love. Love. Love.
And here is some proof that you can break out the water slide in January in So Cal…
Hope your weekend was full of all things {simple}.
I was able to run several errands in preparation for Valentine’s Day and Holden’s upcoming birthday next month. I found some super inexpensive treats for Elliott to give to her classmates for V-day:
I swiped this image off eBay, so it’s teeny tiny, but I found some ornaments filled with candy at Rite Aid leftover from Christmas for 90% off! {There’s nothing “Christmassy” about them other than they’re supposed to be ornaments, but you wouldn’t catch me hanging them on my tree! And yes, I inspected the date and the candy is good until Jan 2012…I am weird with stuff like that. Not that a Now and Later will be any more fresh in mid-February 2011 or a year from then!} They ended up being 10¢ a piece. I’m going to have her cut little hearts out of construction paper and hand write her name with a touch of glitter. The little balls are pink and will look very Valentiney with the added message on the red paper.
Last weekend we went to Sprouts and loaded up on veggies.
I roasted some last weekend and we added the leftovers to a salad with some beer can chicken and some blue cheese!
I also made quinoa for the first time. Super easy, but a bit time consuming as you have to soak and rinse it {I bought mine from the bulk bin, but you can also buy it pre-rinsed and ready to go}. I used about 3/4 cup water and 1 cup chicken broth. I read that a 1:2 ratio makes the quinoa too mushy, so I used about 1 3/4 cup liquid to one cup rinsed quinoa. Just bring the liquid to a boil, add the quinoa, stir, cover and put on low for 15-20 minutes {or until water is absorbed}. You can also just make it with water and eat it for breakfast with some raisins, a little brown sugar and a splash of milk or cream.
{BTW, the quinoa is under the roasted veggies in the pic}
To roast the veggies, I just cut up whatever I had: red pepper, red onion, zucchini, yellow squash and baby carrots. Drizzle with a little olive oil and sprinkle with salt & pepper. Toss it up and put onto a cookie sheet into a 400* oven for about 20 minutes. The flavor is amazing and this is a great way to eat your veggies! Elliott loved them {well, at least the carrots} and they are just as good warm as they are cold the next day. Tonight I am adding some cauliflower to the mix and using a little truffle oil that I picked up today.
Today is my Dad’s birthday…
Happy Birthday, Popsi! Enjoy your special day!
{Next year he will celebrate a milestone birthday ~ I will let you guess which one}
Does anyone out there still watch American Idol?
I tuned in last night {yes, we still have Direct TV} because I love J Lo. I think she’s so beautiful. And talented. And funny.
For me, the new judges are a breath of fresh air…it’s nice not having Simon pop off every 5 seconds and his snide comments flying around!
We’ll see if I am still able to watch next week…… 😉
That’s it kids….how can it already be Friday tomorrow? I don’t know, but I’m glad it is!