My Wednesday started off taking this little guy to Elliott’s classroom:

{This pic is from several Christmases ago, but he wore the same collar today}
It’s share day and this week’s letter is “D”.
Dog. Dachshund.
She wanted to share Rascal SOOOO bad so last week I sent her teacher an e-mail to see if this would be OK {afterall, one of her little classmates shared a snake for “S’ week!}

{Rassy sitting with Elliott earlier this year when she was under the weather}
I hadn’t heard anything back until yesterday when I got the OK to share Rascal first thing this morning.
It’s the LAST thing I wanted to do.
But, Elliott was so excited. How could I say, “no”?
I had to wake Holden from a deep sleep and drag him in his buggie jammies to E’s class. I’m sure I was a sight carrying a wiener dog in a Santa collar with a pajama’d 3-year old in tow.
However, Rascal was a gentleman and behaved beautifully. He let all 25 kids pet him and got lots of sniffs and kisses in.
Elliott demonstrated how Rascal sits and waits for a treat and answered a couple classmate’s questions and Pajama Boy, Rassy and I were off!
Oh, and I had to bribe Holden to get him out the door ~ so it was off to the {d}onut shop we went!
How did YOUR Wednesday start out?