No Foolin’
Don’t know why I didn’t post this yesterday on April Fool’s Day…nobody would’ve believed me!
While strolling through Valencia Town Center, I swear I saw Derek J from The Real Housewives of Atlanta. No joke…
I mean how can you mistake this outfit ~ ultra tight skinny jeans and all! No, he was not in pumps, but he did have a handbag!
I tried not to stare, but instead of being “star stuck”, I was more trying to figure out what the heck he was doing in Valencia! Yes, there are a lot of TV shows and movies filmed out here, but…………?
This makes the second “famous” person that I’ve seen since living here ~ the first being Steve O from Jackass at The Grove.
Anyway, it made me laugh and I wish I would’ve stopped and talked to him, but we were on our way out and he was on his way in to I don’t know where!
{Photos from}
April 2, 2010 @ 9:22 am
Okay, Amy, we need to work on your celebrity sitings…these two don’t cut the mustard…we’re going to have to head to Hollyweird.
April 2, 2010 @ 10:31 am
Girl, I know…that’s why I used the adjective “famous” very loosely and in quotes! LOL Sad, huh? My bro-in-law, the kids and I are headed to Beverly Center ~ maybe we’ll have more luck there! Taking the camera in my grande bag! 😉
April 2, 2010 @ 7:36 pm
Wow, Aims!
You watch crazy shows! I’m hoping to see “Martha” somewhere, someplace!