Jay captured it so well is his Facebook status, that I’m stealing it…
I still remember so much from that day. From hitting McD’s before the ceremony to Del Taco after the reception (ask us about it later) and everything in between – the candle that refused to light, the Pomeritas, the gaming tables, stolen creme brûlées. Happy Anniversary babe!
{Elliott took a moment off from the iPod Touch to snap this for us}
Today the family celebrated by attending an inspiring mass, going to an appointment in Hollywood, having a Thai lunch at Joom Bangkok, and dining on baby backs in a cherry dijon BBQ sauce, blue cheese mashed potatoes & steamed broccoli this evening. I made my first Tiramisu as it’s {one} of Jay’s favorite desserts….recipes to come!
Needless to say, seven years has flown by. Hoping we can slow down the next seven by taking in and cherishing all {the little things} that fill our days, but I wouldn’t want my life any other way. I’m a lucky, LUCKY lady, for sure.
Yesterday morning I reported for jury duty for the first time in my life. I had been summoned several times while in college, but was able to get out of it every time.
I always thought it’d be interesting to sit on a jury and figured I’d probably get my turn sometime. Sure enough I received my summons last month. I don’t know if I neglected to follow the proper procedures to postpone it indefinitely or what, but there I was heading across the 118 to the Chatsworth court house yesterday morn. I was under the impression that if one is a full-time caregiver that they could {get off the hook}.
It’s not that I don’t want to do my duty as a citizen, but I was chosen as a possible juror for a 30-day trial ~ 6 weeks! The case seemed very intriguing and I may have been a perfect juror, but at this time I cannot upturn my life with 2 young children for that long. Yes, I have dear friends that would take my kids to make it possible, but the most I would ask of them is a few days.
I was there all day until about 4:00….I finally had to ask to speak to the judge after he dismissed everyone to report back tomorrow. There was no way that I could ask Jay to work from home again today! The bailiff called me back into the courtroom and I had to plead my case to the judge and the rest of the counsel. His Honor granted me to be excused from this case, but said that I had to report back another day to fulfill my service. I am still not entirely sure how the system works, but I will be sitting in that jury room again on January 4, 2012.
With that out of the way, here are some snippets from our {out of court} days this past week…
{Holden may be double Ryan’s age, but these two are perfect pals ~ Friday morning at the park}
{entertaining themselves while mama orders her new iPhone ~ alert the press! turning in my antique LG Env in about a week…I’m scared}
{waiting for me to drop him a piece of crust from Holden’s [crust-free] ham sandwich}
{stickers for chain letters…what are the chances that we’d get two in a week?}
{6-inch sweet onion chicken teriyaki loaded with veggies and extra jalapeños ~ the whole time I was eating it I couldn’t get Jared or the [5…5 dollar…5 dollar foot long] song out of my head!}
{I fought the gum and the gum won! I swore I was not going to buy this [dessert delights] gum, but I caved and forked over 99¢ to give it the benefit of the doubt…not too bad. not too bad, at all}
For the past 3 months I’ve been limping along on my 3 year old LG Env…certainly no one is envious of my (un)smart phone.
For the past 90 days I’ve had to use my blue tooth so I can hear the person on the other end…they can hear me just fine w/o it, but I can’t hear them. This means that I have to constantly keep track of and charge that little ear piece. Like I don’t have more important things to do like Pinterest laundry, dishes, etc.
Hoping to join the masses and become a {smartie} with a new phone reeeal soon…get with the program, Amy.
She can still, however, capture the little everyday moments that I try so hard to cherish.
Here are a few from this week…
{Posing with Bugs on a quick Monday afternoon trip to Burbank}
{Tuesday was Spirit Night @ Chick Fil A ~ we were there to support our church, Blessed Kateri}
{?????? ~ “It’s like Katie on Big Time Rush. I forgot which episode.” … of course. Silly me}
{Thursday afternoon at pick-up ~ enjoying a story with a cutie classmate}
{I’m sneaking this one in from a couple weeks ago ~ an afternoon stroll home from school with a pal}
Linking up a couple hours early over at Life Rearranged ~ InstaFriday. Jeannett is truly an inspiration…I got to sit in a breakout session with her at Blog Sugar!
Come over and peek at all the other fun little moments of this week.
October, so far, has already been filled with so much.
My head is swirling with the fun that has been had and also the tasks that I need to catch up on because of said fun!
I celebrated {another} birthday on Saturday…it was a great day filled with cheering Jay on in an early morning 10K, my favorite burger at Red Robin for lunch, picking my in-laws up at LAX and then visiting over mexican food and margaritas at one of our new favorite places here in town. Our server brought me complimentary fried ice cream and sang ~ ay ay ay!
My mom sent me these gorgeous gerber daisies:
Thank you to all who sent wishes, shot me a little gift card or {fun money} or popped a sweet, personal gift in the mail! I am spoiled.
Recently I was sifting through papers in Elliott’s school folder and I came across this:
Those words.
They are so powerful.
I love them and I love that they’re about ME, but often times I DON’T feel like I’m the best mom/wife/daughter/friend/sister/etc. in the {hol wid wrld}.
It’s like when someone tells you you look skinny when you feel fat. Or compliments you on your style when you’re feeling frumpy. Or says how nice your house is when you know it’s a pigsty.
Their KIND words don’t mean a thing if YOU don’t believe them.
I, too want to FEEL like I am the best mom/wife/daughter/friend/sister/etc. in the whole wide world.
Thank you for that heartfelt note, my Elliott. I will treasure it always.
Mommy has a long way to go and I think and pray about it everyday.
Have you ever been to dim sum? If not, you really should go…
Little carts come around with dumplings, potstickers, noodles and pork buns/siopao {my fave!}. The even deliver boba teas and coffees on these little carts.
So fun.
When we lived in the Bay Area we found a place in SF’s Chinatown that we loved, Great Eastern Restaurant.
Here are a few pics from over 3 years ago ~ September 2008 ~ just before we moved back to So Cal…
We try to make a trip to Yosemite once a year. My uncle lives in the park so we have a good excuse.
This summer was busy with summer camps and our trip to the Carolinas so we pushed our Yosemite trip back to Fall Break which was perfect since the weather was cooler and I {think} there was a little lower mosquito population.
We always stop off at Sonic in Bako on the way up…
Typically all meals are eaten out on the deck at Camp Duke…
{I almost stole this piece of oilcloth}
{sneaking on the computer!}
{in the neighbor’s hammock}
{a pre-birthday celebration}
{pancakes on the deck}
{under the swinging bridge}
{here come my uncle and jill}
{these two four-legged family members caused a ruckus…they sniffed out a cheesecake on a dresser in one of the bedrooms and ATE THE WHOLE THING. I’m certain that the long one with the short legs instigated the whole thing. Afterall, his name is Rascal. Again, so sorry Jill ;-( }
{we thought the water was going to be too cold so we didn’t wear our bathing suits}
{heading back over the bridge and through the woods}
{another hearty breakfast of steel cut oats, yogurt and fresh fruit}
{mariposa grove and the giant sequoias}
{a quick dip in the pool at the wawona hotel}
{playing with his new choo choo}
{woodsy creation}
{makin’ s’mores}
{full moon}
We love our trips up the 5 to the 99 to the 41 into beautiful Yosemite. Gathering groceries at Raley’s in the little town of Oakhurst to contribute to scrumptious camp feasts. My uncle is a seasoned grill master and Jill has a handle on all the wonderful side dishes. Sipping wine out on the deck never gets old. Kicking up dust out on trails to swinging bridges and GIANT trees. Watching the kids frolic in the creek brings back childhood memories.
The children are gathering beautiful mountain memories and filing them away only to be added to next year…and the year after…God willing.
We’re so grateful for these trips north to one of nature’s most scenic destinations.
THANK YOU Unc and Jill for first-class service every time.
We always come home with happy, nourished souls and this time itchy toes.
That’s what you get when you wear {flip flops} in the mountains.
I suggested she be a {scary} cheerleader and she was all for it. Rah. Rah. I found a cheerleader costume in orange and black sequins with a skull and crossbones on the front at TJ Maxx ~ just $19.99 and it came with skeleton pom poms, black and orange striped knee highs and some little fingerless glove thingys. Score.
She already has silver sequined high tops so we’re all set.
So this year we have a little mummy and a spooky, sparkly spirit girl.
Awesome. Now I can breathe and enjoy the whole month of October.