Thinking Outside The {Gift} Box

Still at a loss of what to give that person that {has everything}?

Are your generous parents and in-laws asking “What can we get the kids?” or “What do the kids need?”

Instead of trying to recall what toy{s} they keep adding to their list after simply seeing a commercial on TV, graciously ask them to contribute or gift a month {or two} of dance classes or karate lessons. Maybe that art class or after school cooking class they’ve been asking about. I think all parents will agree that this can be one of the best gifts out there.

For both of their birthdays this year, the grandparents generously gave a week of summer activities…even three of Holden’s buddies pitched in and gave him the gift of Dinosaur Days summer camp at his preschool. I don’t know about you, but this sounds like the perfect gift to me.


On the flip side, and much more important, if you have those few friends or family members that you have NO IDEA what to give, may I suggest giving the gift of water and donating in their name to charity: water to help build a well in a village of need.

How great would it be to wrap up a little certificate letting them know that they are making a difference in the lives of so many ~ bringing hundreds something so simple, but so so important?


The beautiful bloggin’ mamas with Project 320 have made it easy…all you need to do is click HERE to make a donation…every little bit counts so don’t think your contribution is too small. Then print up or hand write a little note explaining to the receiver of your gift what a difference they’re {and you’re} making by helping to bring fresh water to so many of those in need.

AND, if you donate on the Project 320 well site, every $10 you donate gives you one entry to one giveaway for some seriously good swag…a $50 donation gets you 5 entries, so on and so forth. You can check out the details here and find a link to all the blogs hosting the giveaways. Once you donate, go back to the giveaway{s} that you have your eye on and leave ONE comment {entry} for every $10 you donated ~ it’s that simple.

Help build a well AND have the chance to win something AND be able to do it from the comfort of your own home AND not have to find parking and fight crowds AND cross off gifts for loved ones on your list?

That, right there, is all kinds of WIN!

Go ahead…make a donation and {DRINK UP} all the joy of GIVING this Christmas!

PEACE be with you….

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