Taking Time

Happy April Fool’s Day!

No practical jokes from me today…just some good ‘ol stuff from the book of {LIFE}.

Today I decided to {take time} to do some things. Not rush. Not do them half ass. Not ignore them. But take the time to DO them.

We took the time to leisurely get to and from school this morning. Elliott on her scooter, Holden on his trike and me juggling my ladybug coffee mug while balancing Elliott’s backpack on my right shoulder AND keeping the little orange tricycle rider out of morning traffic. We chatted with friends who passed us in cars along the way. Waved as neighbors left for work.

We got home and I told myself that I was going to take time to fix myself a healthy breakfast rather than just grabbing a Luna bar or slapping peanut butter on some toast and inhaling it.

I scrambled three egg whites with a little red onion and added some salsa, lowfat cheese, a little dollop of sour cream & a sprinkle of cilantro. I toasted a piece of this:

{my new fave ~ the kids don’t like it so it MUST be good}

I took the time to pour myself another cup of coffee and Windex the glass table in the patio. Holden enjoyed his Honey Nut Cheerios and I enjoyed my egg whites. He saw a hummingbird. I thought about my Gam who loved hummingbirds.

I took the time to {finally} dump the rain water out of the big tub, rinse it out and toss old toys…getting the backyard ready for some Spring Break action and more meals outside. Took the slip and slide off the fence before the HOA sent us a note.

Took the time to rerun the load of laundry I left in the washer for 2 days {2 HOT days}…the load that had essentially already dried and didn’t smell so pretty. Jay hates when I do this {which isn’t often}, but I can usually get away with tossing it in the dryer and telling myself not to do it again!

I’m taking time to carefully pack our suitcases for a quick trip down south instead of just throwing a bunch of stuff in that doesn’t end up getting worn and takes up space.

Taking time to sit and soak in a bubble bath and reintroduce my PedEgg to these feet!

Taking the time to put things away where they belong and tidy up because I am happier when this happens.

Taking time this week to chat with friends from across the miles. It always brings a smile to my face and makes me remember “the good ‘ol days”. Lots of “I miss yous” and “Gosh, I wish we could get together soons”.

Taking time to {hopefully} see some old faces this weekend and do some more reminiscing.


I feel like I am always in a rush. Telling the kids, “Hurry up…we’re going to be late!”

While I feel it IS important to be {on time} and realize that with two young children things DO take longer and you WILL rush, I am going to start making every effort to slow down when I can. Take time when I can. For me. For them. For US.



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