Tag Archives: stocking

30 Ways To Stuff A Stocking

Now that the stockings are hung by the chimney with care, what is St. Nick going to put in there?

I am Santa is always doing a mad dash for stocking stuffers, so here is Flip Flop Follies’ list that you can pass along to him…

{this was a staple in our stockings growing up}

Lifesaver Book {Lifesavers are perfect bribes for [sit-in-the-cart-or-else] moments}

Band aids {found some animal print and superhero ones at 99¢ Only…we go through band-aids like they’re going out of style in this house}

Chapstick or lip balm {Bonne Bell, anyone?}

Bubble Bath


Cuties {the mini oranges}

Pistachios {my kids love to eat these with their daddy and make a mess}

Fruit rolls {you can turn around and stick these in their school lunches}

CLIF Kid Zbar bars or Nutrigrain type bars {again perfect for lunches or afternoon snacks}

Sugarless gum {Elliott loves Extra peppermint ~ she calls it [spicy gum]}

Fresh new crayons or washable markers

Fun pencils

Pencil top erasers

Cheap sunglasses

Socks {the great sock caper lives in this house}

Organic lollipops from Trader Joe’s


Bubbles {cheap fun for park visits}

Matchbox cars

Nail polish

Knit gloves {cheap at Target}

Beanies {also cheap at Target}

Workbooks or coloring books from Dollar store

UNO card game or other family card game

{LOVE this burlap & bling ~ via}

$5 gift cards to their favorite places:

Mickey D’s for a Happy Meal

Golden Spoon or local fro-yo place

Starbucks for a hot chocolate

Gift card to GIVE to someone in need {they will love doing this and spreading Christmas cheer}

Homemade coupons for fun stuff:

Hot lunch at school {this is a rare treat in our house}

Music or game download for your iPhone or iPod


We {try} to keep stocking stuffers useful…because enough stuff already ends up on the floor.

Hope this helps.

Happy Friday!