
So, this morning I was up working on my $6 photo gallery (pics to come) and I hear Holden say, “I have to go pee pee!” Jay takes him to the little potty and all of a sudden I hear, “Good job, Holden! You pee pee’d in the potty!” Uh, we haven’t really been focusing … [Read more…]

Simply 2010

As the years fly by, I am noticing that I am happier when things are simple. Simplicity means different things to different people, but to me it means happiness. When we took the tree down this year and packed up all the Christmas decor, the house looked naked. But then after a day or two … [Read more…]

A Look @ ’09

I stole this idea from another Mommy Blogger. I thought it’d be fun to review just some of the highlights of OH NINE! I would be completely satisfied if the following snapshots were the ONLY big moments throughout the past 12 months, but our year was full of so much more happiness, new experiences and … [Read more…]

Memory Lane

Someone recently asked me “What is your fondest memory of Christmas?” I had to think about it because this question triggered me to think back and relive SO many happy memories of the holidays. I don’t think there is just ONE thing. My Mom always decorated our home to the nines. Toss pillows on the … [Read more…]