One-piece Christmas
This year we’re having a “One-piece Christmas”. Everything the kids get will be ONE PIECE! No puzzles, Polly Pockets, Lego sets, etc. I need a break from my other FT job of picking up, organizing and finding a home for all the small pieces that get scattered about the house each day! Sorry kids. Call me “Mean Mama”, but until I figure out a system that works, I need a break! Just keepin’ it real….
The holidays are here, folks! Santa is already meeting with kids from his Winter Wonderland at the mall. Snowflakes are greeting us on the Target front doors. As I try to do every year, I am going to enjoy every minute of the holiday season. This is my absolute favorite time of year ~ Thanksgiving through New Year’s.
Our Christmas will be simple ~ just a few nice things for the kids and that’s it. I am hoping that they will grow up learning that Christmas is more about giving rather than receiving. Sharing traditions with friends and family. Spreading cheer to those in need.
Santa is bringing Elliott a pink, acoustic guitar and Holden is getting some Transformers. Now I can handle that!
Here’s hoping that you make it through the 2009 Holidays in “One-piece”!
November 11, 2009 @ 11:35 am
Love this idea Amy. I wish I had thought of it before I bought every toy that has a min. of 5 parts each.
February 1, 2010 @ 6:12 pm
Amy….this was the best Christmas of all! Waking up early to your having coffee for me was heaven! It was a simple and quiet day and so peaceful not having to go anywhere. Watching the children cherish their gifts was a tribute to you and Jay–not huge gifts, but meaningful ones. Just hanging out with you for three days was the bestest gift of all!