Who Knew Almost-4-Year Olds Can Still Wear Robeez?
{Oops! Forgot to hit “publish” on this last night!}
I loved my babies in Robeez when they were little…
Today, while trying to see what I could find with a $14 and change store credit at Ross, I stumbled upon these:
{Robeez 1st Stepz “Finn” ~ size 8}
Even though Holden has taken his first steps years ago, I still thought these would be perfect for summer. I seriously could not remember what size he wore, but for $6.49!, if they didn’t fit, I could totally gift them.
But, sorry friends with young boys, they were a bit big still and will be perfect for the summer months.
I love them and they look adorable on him. They’re eco-friendly, too!
OK, so I’m not doing too well at staying out of Ross, but isn’t today’s sunrise gorge?
{I had NO idea what setting to put it on, but I think I semi-captured the beauty…}
That’s it for the Tuesday Tidbits.
Looks like content material is still slow here in the new year…I hope to come up with something more exciting real soon!
January 12, 2011 @ 7:03 am
Good morning, sweet friend. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday. All my best wishes for a fab day full of great new ideas!!!
Big hugs,
January 12, 2011 @ 10:49 pm
I saw those shoes at Ross last Friday (got off work early). I had them in my hands for awhile but decided to put them down. I am glad you got them!