Happy Wednesday!
Today I’m going to be wandering a bit…a little of this and a little of that.
We have a large-ish landing at the top of the stairs where the kids watch DVDs on a 13″ TV and read books. I want to make it a little more {nookie} and have pillows on the floor…maybe a basket of rolled up blankets to cuddle in during the cooler months.
I went to my new BFF, Pinterest, and took a little nook look…
Now I want a little Mama Nook! Love this bright and airy one…
Or this cozy one…
I love the idea of a reading nook where you can sit and read trashy mags and sip your morning coffee. Anyone read Bethenny Frankel’s {A Place of Yes}? Been meaning to pick it up.
I’m on a gift wrapping kick. I am kind of over the whole gift bag thing. Yes, I know it’s easy and a good way to recycle but I love the idea of a good old fashioned wrapped gift.
How about these for inspiration…
[Vintage Vibrant]
[Scary Clown Balloons]
Last time I was at {99¢ Only} I picked up a roll of brown packing paper. Going to use it LOTS for Christmas this year and wanted some early inspiration, but you can do ANYTHING with it. How cute is the balloon bow?
I seriously had to {exit} Pinterest. Everything just kept getting cuter and cuter.
Just enter {reading nooks} and {gift wrapping} and you’ll see what I mean.
I am working on a little giveaway and hope to have it posted by Friday. Since the last several giveaways were Havaianas, I thought I’d do a little homemade goodie. I hope that you’ll check back and enter to win! 😉
Let me just say that in the process of making this little goodie, I burnt my fingertips to a crisp. My glue gun is in the naughty corner right now. Not user error at all……..
To make matters worse, what I thought was glue was actually a blister and I pulled it off….um, ouch!
Is anybody else anxious for Fall? I am finding myself searching for autumnal and Halloween inspiration already. Which is good because if I wait too long, I am more likely not going to be able to carry it out. If I get the ideas early, I can get a head start on all this {F}alloween cuteness.
{at least not today}
Today is Day 9 with Jill…last night I did it at 10:08pm. I was NOT going to bed without doing my dumbbell rows and butt kicks.
Kinda wish I was going to BlogHer this weekend in San Diego….if you’re going, have a blast in my hometown!
I think this Hump Day afternoon calls for a nice iced coffee…you should have one too!
August 4, 2011 @ 4:56 am
I must say that my new obsession is also Pinterest!!! I can’t get enough of it. I am not sure if I should thank you or curse you for pointing me towards it!!! 🙂 I find myself “pinning” all day long!!!!