There’s a new time suck in town…
It’s a fun way to create virtual bulletin boards of all your favorite things, ideas and inspiration.
View recipes, craftiness, home decor, diy, tutorials, on & on!
You could spend DAYS finding inspiration.
I spent 10 minutes and {pinned} some Summer Lovin’ goodness…
You can see it here.
I’ve only touched the tip of the Pinterest iceberg ~ still new and not quite sure what I’m doing, but I sure like what I see!
Someone even pinned my saltine toffee off this here blog! Kinda cool…
I need to figure out how to add {pins} to Pinterest.
Will have to wait ’til another day…we’re off to the pool!
Happy Friday!
June 24, 2011 @ 10:36 am
Thanks for posting this. I’ve been hearing all about Pinterest but couldn’t figure out what the heck it is. So you basically look all over Pinterest and pin things? I bet you can find so much to do there. That’s like me and Etsy. Although Etsy’s more dangerous because you can buy the stuff.
June 25, 2011 @ 4:05 pm
yes. i love it. well, i love looking at other people’s boards. i, myself am very unpinteresting. 7 boards. 1 with 3 things in it. i need like 24 free hours. not happening anytime soon.