Children’s Garden
The title of this post was going to be “We Have Ourselves A Kindergartner!” and as I was typing the word “kindergartner” I thought, “That’s a weird word…I wonder where it came from and what it means.”
Thanks, Wikipedia for clearing that up. You can learn more about kindergarten than you ever needed to know here if you are totally bored and have NOTHING to do one day!
Nevertheless, we do have a kindergartner in the house.
She chose one of her fave restaurants for her special dinner:
…and opened a few gifts which included this:
{Somehow I think this lunch box is going to win out over the cute polka dot one I got her!}
The cherry on top wasn’t the one that sat upon the hot fudge sundae, but the JOY & HAPPINESS we all felt as we watched Elliott march out onto that parking lot in front of the crowd with grace and determination (after telling me, “I promise I won’t make silly faces like I did last time”), perform her songs, wear her cap and display her diploma, present us with her yearbook and wish all her little friends a “Happy Graduation” while handing them their leis.
Yes, she is ready for Children’s Garden and we can’t wait to see what’s waiting there for her to explore.
We love you, Miss Elliott. You make us SO very proud!
June 12, 2010 @ 8:26 am
So cute!! And Amy you look great!!