Whole Wide World
October, so far, has already been filled with so much.
My head is swirling with the fun that has been had and also the tasks that I need to catch up on because of said fun!
I celebrated {another} birthday on Saturday…it was a great day filled with cheering Jay on in an early morning 10K, my favorite burger at Red Robin for lunch, picking my in-laws up at LAX and then visiting over mexican food and margaritas at one of our new favorite places here in town. Our server brought me complimentary fried ice cream and sang ~ ay ay ay!
My mom sent me these gorgeous gerber daisies:
Thank you to all who sent wishes, shot me a little gift card or {fun money} or popped a sweet, personal gift in the mail! I am spoiled.
Recently I was sifting through papers in Elliott’s school folder and I came across this:
Those words.
They are so powerful.
I love them and I love that they’re about ME, but often times I DON’T feel like I’m the best mom/wife/daughter/friend/sister/etc. in the {hol wid wrld}.
It’s like when someone tells you you look skinny when you feel fat. Or compliments you on your style when you’re feeling frumpy. Or says how nice your house is when you know it’s a pigsty.
Their KIND words don’t mean a thing if YOU don’t believe them.
I, too want to FEEL like I am the best mom/wife/daughter/friend/sister/etc. in the whole wide world.
Thank you for that heartfelt note, my Elliott. I will treasure it always.
Mommy has a long way to go and I think and pray about it everyday.
I LOVE you family, friends & faithful followers!
October 12, 2011 @ 8:59 pm
I know for a fact that you are a great friend!!
October 13, 2011 @ 5:19 pm
What a precious, precious treasure! Feel God’s presence and arm around you right now!!!! Dear dtr!
October 13, 2011 @ 6:59 pm
Awww, thanks Jen! You are too and that is why we have been able to keep in touch all these years of not working together! 😉 XOXO