Three Ingredient Thursday

Today was a Minimum Day.

We came home and made these 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies found on one of my fave blogs, Haus of Girls.

Three. Ingredients.

Outta flour?

No butter?

No problem. You can still whip up this afternoon snack with only some peanut butter [1 cup], an egg and some sugar [1/2 cup].


I wouldn’t lie.

Mix 3 ingredients thoroughly, roll into a ball, place onto an ungreased cookie sheet, do the “+” thing with a fork and bake @ 325* for 15 minutes. Makes a dozen good sized circles of peanut buttery goodness.

{E’s woven placemat from today’s Kindergarten “feast”}

Today I also volunteered in Elliott’s class where they made darling paper Indian vests, their own butter and a fun dessert to represent how corn is grown.

{Crushed Oreos for the dirt, candy corn for the corn and little Swedish fish for the fish the Indians would use as fertilizer to help the corn grow. Yes, I too learned something new today!}

I don’t know about you, but I’m beat! I’ve been fighting a cold for over a week now. Going through Kleenex like it’s goin’ out of style.

At any rate, I hope you had a productive Thursday.

Now, please go make these cookies for your after dinner treat!