The Dolphin & The Unicorn

Hmmm, I wonder if I could come up with a joke based on this post’s title….

A dolphin and a unicorn walk {er….swim/fly?} into a bar….

Can you tell the caffeine hasn’t quite kicked in yet on this Friday morn?

Anywhoo, last night our good friends and old neighbors from Nor Cal passed through on their way to the O.C. and delivered some Christmas goodies for E & H.

All I can say is THANK YOU Logan & Finley…now I don’t have to hear, “I want a {pi-woe} pet! I want to ask Santa for a Pi-woe pet!”

And that commercial ~ “It’s a pillow, it’s a pet, it’s a Pillow Pet!”

How many times have we all heard that?

We’re now the proud owners of:


Even though I am not a big fan of stuffed animals, these are great because the kids were excited to go to bed AND they are one-piece!

{Don’t worry Santa Gramma, I was informed this morning that Dolphin & Unicorn need friends so we’re happy to adopt two more!}


Tonight we’re celebrating Jay’s happy day with a Spanish inspired feast:

Manchego with Honey Brown Butter Sauce

Paella {Jay’s fave}


Café Con Leche Flan for dessert

Recipes to come!


Hope you have a FABULOUS Friday, friends!

One thought on “The Dolphin & The Unicorn”

  1. Sophie loves her ladybug pillow pet too. Not sure what it is about the little creatures. And PLEASE post the paella recipe. I need a new recipe and I love paella!

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