Tag Archives: parfait

Monday Morning Martini

I’ve never been a huge fan of yogurt.

Golden Spoon fro yo ~ YES!

Yoplait ~ no.

I eat yogurt from time to time because I know it’s good for me….active cultures, yadda yadda yadda.

But I can never get “excited” about peeling the silver foil top off the container and digging in.

This morning I decided to try and spice it up a bit…

Be a little like Fancy Nancy and have a yogurt parfait for breakfast!

That’s fancy for “I really would rather have a donut, or a Noah’s bagel, or a breakfast burrito from Sombrero’s in San Diego”.

But I’ll settle for some blackberry yogurt, bananas & bran cereal sprinkles.

Here’s to disguising your Monday to look like a Friday!