Here’s a little Wednesday randomness.
I am addicted to Coffeemate creamers. I know they are bad and I should learn to drink my coffee black or with nonfat milk, but I am hooked on the Fat Free Hazelnut and the Parisian Almond Créme. Recently they were on sale for $1 and I stocked up and tried Sweet Italian Créme. Yum!
There was a brand new one on the shelf ~ Honey Vanilla Créme.
Hmmm, not too sure who puts honey in their coffee, but I thought, I’ll give it a whirl. The cashier told me that some woman came in and bought a whole case of the stuff…then I was very intrigued.
I opened it this morning and took a whiff. I just couldn’t imagine that it would taste good in my nice, hot cup of French Roast. It dawned on me that this would be perfect for tea.
And it was…

After a 2-bag, 5-minute steep it’s just the perfect amount of sweetness with a touch of honey in my Earl Grey.
Tea for two is nice, but tea for one is much better when the house is quiet with two sleeping angels.
I think the “A” on my mug stands for {A}lone!