Tag Archives: guacamole

I Forgot It Was Friday


I don’t know what day I thought is was.

Just not Friday.

I am sooooo glad it’s Friday.

So glad.

The past couple weeks have been….different.

But good. Not terrible. Just different.

We were given muchos, muchos gorgeous, homegrown avocados from our sweet realtor. Many are ripe and ready for guac. I wish y’all lived close…we could sit and sip a little margarita, dip some chips in garlicky green goodness and chat!


Hope this Friday the 13th has brought you {good} luck.

P.S. If you are in the market for some cheap, cute margarita glasses, I saw the exact same cactus glasses pictured above at Dollar Tree. That is the one category of barware that we don’t own. Kicking myself that I didn’t pick up half a dozen last time I was there. I think the little cacti are so festive & fun…perfect for summer.