Popsicle Mode

Both students are DONE and school is officially out for the summer!

I honestly do not know where the year went and they’re just going to go faster now that we’ll have two in elementary school.


In the next eight weeks…

We’ll trade our closed toe shoes for flip flops.

We’ll pack picnic baskets instead of lunch boxes.

We’ll stay up later and rise later.

We’ll hang in our jammies a little longer.

Loads of laundry will be mainly towels, bathing suits and cover-ups.

We’ll have some days that are scheduled and planned and others that unfold by themselves.

Instead of homework and spelling words, we’ll do more crafts and art projects.

Popsicles will be our afternoon snacks.

We’ll apply lots of sunscreen.

And now that I’m old, I will wear a hat when I’m out in the sun.

It’s gonna be FUN!


Operation Water Balloon 2012 has begun.


{2012 Summer To-Do List}

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