PB&J With The Crust Cut Off

Happy Friday!

It’s Mother’s Day Weekend Eve!

I had a pre-weekend party this morning at TargĂ© and treated myself to a few things…pics to come.

Then enjoyed lunch and a walk down memory lane with my dear friend from back in the day, Deb and her darling little one, Rachel…more on that later, too. It was SO so great!

Wishing all my Mama friends a weekend free of pb&j making, diaper changing, butt wiping, dish washing, laundry folding, floor mopping, toilet cleaning, grout scrubbing, sippy cup filling, dino chicken cutting, play-doh scraping, toy sorting and taxi driving!

This one’s for you:

{Photo: Google Images ~ myrecipes.com}

I have a meatier post up my sleeve, just have to do some research first!

But now this taxi is heading to dance class followed by some sort of adult beverage and NO cooking…(hope Jay reads this before I get home!)

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend Eve!