One A Month ~ 2010 In Review
It was hard, but I chose one photo from each month of 2010….
There were MANY more highlights, but I challenged myself to pick {just one}.
: January ~ Sledding in the local mountains :
: February ~ Holden’s Outer Space 3rd Birthday Party :
: March ~ Early Spring photo shoot at local nature preserve :
: April ~ Easter with the family :
: May ~ Elliott’s Gymnastics 5th Birthday Party :
: June ~ Elliott graduated from preschool :
: July ~ Annual trip to Yosemite :
: August ~ Holden {ran} to his first day in preschool :
: September ~ UCLA vs. Stanford game at The Rose Bowl :
: October ~ Halloween as a Candy Corn & Dorothy :
: November ~ Jay finishes his first half marathon :
: December ~ Elliott’s Winter dance recital :
Reviewing these photos reminds me of how fast the years fly by.
It’s almost time again for the Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day and then Holden will turn 4!
2011 is out of the gates and we can’t wait to see what’s coming up in the next twelve months.
And the ONE picture from twenty ten that is just ALL WRONG on so many levels, but that for some reason we were never able to delete from the iPhoto library:
: Holden innocently trying to give Elmo a hug :
January 3, 2011 @ 4:49 pm
Amy – I am crying from laughing so hard from that Elmo picture. That is all around not right, but funny at the same time! Looks like you guys had a GREAT year. I just love to follow all your adventures!
January 4, 2011 @ 1:48 pm
Gives a whole new meaning to Tickle Me, Elmo….