Katie Lee Joel To The Rescue

How random is that?

…or is she now just Katie Lee? Whatever…

I had NO idea what to make for dinner. I had about a half pound of ground turkey that I had thawing out and came across this recipe on this blog!


I did try to healthify it quite a bit ~ used ground turkey, an egg white, double fiber bread, lite jarlsberg swiss and just a tad bit of butter on the bread.

They were really tasty. The grated onion and the garlic powder in the meat made them super flavorful. I just made 2 oblong flat patties to fit on the bread!

Thanks, Katie Lee! I didn’t really care for you on the first season of Top Chef, but maybe I should check out your recipes more often!

I can’t see myself buying a loaf of white bread, but if I do, I may try the full fat “Katie version” of this burger.

Happy Humpday!