Crock Pot OT

Ever since I got my gorgeous new stainless steel Crock Pot, it’s been working overtime!

I’ve been wanting to make a Chicken Tortilla Soup for awhile and finally came across one that looked good and was made in the CP. This one called for pinto beans which I thought was different and makes it more of a hearty meal.

I found the recipe here. This blog has oodles of other goodness posted, too! Click around and check it out.

Here is what you’ll need:

{My apologies for the raw chicken just chillin’ there….kinda unappetizing!}

But once you pile all these things in the slow cooker and cook away on low for 6 hours, you get this:

I cut up the chicken and put it in uncooked and it was just fine.

It’s great for a crowd since it makes TONS!


One thought on “Crock Pot OT”

  1. Your photo looks like my pantry! Thanks for the recipe. It looks delicious. My mother-in-law is giving me her crock pot this weekend. I’m so excited!

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