Hey Floppers ~ Happy Monday!
Have you entered the giveaway? 22 people “Like” the rosette necklace, but only 11 have entered. Hmmmm, where’s the other 50%?
C’mon now, don’t be shy! Absolutely anyone is free to enter…about 33 more hours to go.
School starts in just 9 days.
This summer has been a wonderful blend of family, friends, beach, pool, ice cream and otter pops!
{two cute shots from the weekend ~ thanks karen!}
I am ready to get back into a routine and buckle down. I adore summer, but I am more than ready for Fall!
Picked up these Chucks for Holden today ~ $10 Marshall’s. Love the neutral color.
Nothing more adorable on 4.5 year old feet…..
Also counting down to a new dinner recipe this evening…I am so excited to make it and share.
Stay tuned….
August 8, 2011 @ 3:34 pm
Can’t wait for the dinner recipe. I need new ideas!