Locksmiths, Plumbers & Blog Blingers

Well, yesterday afternoon the family got locked out of the house for the second time.

Damn garage door has a dead bolt AND a turn lock thingy that enables you to open the door from the inside while locking yourself out at the same time!


The front door was locked as well as the back slider.

Of course.

The kids were in their bathing suits sans shoes and Jay was doing something involving spark plugs on his car and had black hands and no place to wash them. We had NO cell phones, car keys, wallets….nothing.

I went to our neighbor’s and had her take me to the rental agency to get the key. Fortunately I had a copy of the lease in the garage to show some sort of identification. Long story short, the rental people failed to replace the re-keyed keys with the old ones. {we had the place re-keyed earlier in the year and I took TWO new keys to them and well….???????} The second the lady handed me a gold key I knew it wasn’t the right one. The new keys were silver. She said that’s all they had ~ two gold keys! I came home and sure enough it didn’t work.

$80 and 45 minutes later, the locksmith spent literally a minute to pick the lock and we were in.

Anyone know where to get a pick? I could go into business.


Now I am waiting for the plumber on this fine Monday morning.

Toilet in the master bath is leaking.

He’ll be here “between 10:00 and 12:00”.

So I’m here waiting and watching Dora and sipping my coffee with this:

The upside to having the plumber on his way is that I have the place all tidied up!

Bed made. Match Box cars off the floor. Dishes out of the sink. Toilets cleaned. Sinks sparkling.


Did you notice that I now have some tunes on Flip Flop Follies?

I’ve been wanting to add this for awhile, but had NO CLUE how to do so. Something about a “plug-in”. My personal blog blinger, Jay, figured it out and I am SO happy!

The playlist may be a little random because we’re limited to what we can upload here on WordPress…my smart hubby figured out that we can only upload MP3 formatted songs??!!?? so some of my faves are not available in that format.

{If you also use WordPress and know how to upload all songs from your iTunes library, please do fill a sista in! Thanks!}

Happy Monday…I hope your week is free of any service calls!

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