Today marks this little blog’s anniversary!
Three years ago today, I hit publish on my very first post and 877 posts later, here we are.

The thought of starting a blog occurred to me about a year before I actually began. I knew I didn’t want solely a cooking blog, or a party planning blog, or a home decor blog, but rather a blog that just {flip flopped} around day-to-day from one topic to another…never over-thinking or stressing too much over any certain post. I wanted each day to be a surprise to my readers and them to never know what they may find once they clicked on their RSS feed or typed into their browser.
I didn’t want to worry if there were days {or weeks} where I didn’t feel I had anything to say. Weeks where I wanted to say something, but maybe never found the time to sit down and put the words onto the screen. Each and every post that I write here is carefully thought out, worded, reworded and proofread before I hit “publish” ~ whether it be a quickie or a longer birthday party recap. I want this blog to be a place where I can look back in years to come and remember a recipe that I made for family and friends. Or laugh at a bad day that we may have had. Or to remind me of the little things that we did with our kids that will amount to so much more when they have outgrown these stages.
I have always maintained that I will keep this blog light-hearted and fun. While I may vent from time to time or maybe complain, I try to do it a playful and humorous manner and make light of it. Parenting is tough work and as much as I want to only share the happy times, I feel it’s also important to share the challenging ones. I’ve learned so much from other bloggers from them opening their hearts and bearing their souls and I think we can ALL learn from our struggles as well as our triumphs.
I want you all to know that I appreciate your readership more than you know. It warms my heart when someone stops me on campus to tell me they tried a recipe I shared or see a post on Instagram of a quick little holiday craft I passed along. My goal is to try to get those who may not enjoy cooking or whipping up little handmade goodies to see that it’s easy to put that little added special touch into, not only your family’s lives, but the lives in the people around you. It doesn’t have to be much…’s the thought that counts, right?
To show my gratitude to you all, I will be having a little giveaway real soon. I’m in the process of sourcing a couple more things and then I will announce it here! Please stay tuned and DO enter….I will be giving away a few of my favorite things.
So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming here daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or if this is your first time, welcome!
Come back soon ~ you never know what you’ll find.