Shot In The Arm
Today I went for my “annual visit”…ladies, you know the one.
It was a hectic morning trying to get out of the house…
Sipping my coffee
Toasting up a waffle
Pouring some Cheerios & milk
Feeding the dogs
Letting the dogs out
Having Elliott draw a picture for Teacher Appreciation Week
Remembering it’s Tuesday and the gardeners are coming
Picking up the poop and myriad of toys in the backyard
Mixing up chocolate milk
Getting everyone dressed
Dropping Holden off at the neighbor’s
Listening to Elliott cry and whine because she can’t stay at the neighbor’s
Blah, Blah, Blah!
One of THOSE mornings where you wonder how people with more than 2 kids do it…
I dropped Elliott off at school and was 40 minutes early to my appointment. I was literally looking forward to sitting in my car for awhile ~ alone ~ with my own thoughts. No phone calls. No music.
I hate being late to appointments so I showed up at 9:30 for my 10:00 and read some magazines. Again, ALONE which was so nice! So much for getting there early…I was still reading those same magazines 45 minutes later after several women came and signed in AFTER me. Saying that they were there for their 10:30 appt and going in before me???
I started getting irritated and went up to ask the girl “Uh, when are they gonna call me?” “You’re next.” Well, duh….I know I’m next because I am the ONLY one in here now!
Fast forward 10 minutes and now I’m irritated AND wearing a pink paper top with a white paper sheet half skirt and sitting…waiting!
Finally, there is the knock on the door followed by my midwife fighting through the curtain to enter the room. Carrying her laptop and opening it to get started. Fortunately I am an easy patient. Nothing new to report. Just there for my yearly visit.
She was so sweet and so impressed with my weight loss since last Spring. She complimented me on my blood pressure. She asked me more about my half marathon and where I was doing boot camp. She was like my own little personal health cheerleader. Telling me to keep up the good work.
That’s all. That’s all I needed to turn my morning around. A little shot in the arm to let me know I am going in the right direction. A little “Rah! Rah!” from the white coat!
It felt so good.
Can’t wait to go back next Spring and see what she says about me then.
Look out 40, here I come!
May 4, 2010 @ 8:05 pm
Loved this whole scenario! Loved the whole blog for the past few days! Just haven’t had a chance to write!!!
May 5, 2010 @ 9:28 pm
You look amazing, Amy. I am so inspired by your commitment to health and wellness. I think of you often and can only hope that some of your “fantasticness” rubs off on me 🙂