Rise And Shine
It’s 6:45am and these have already been served this morning:
I’m sipping HOT coffee out of my zebra print latte cup.
FrIdAy is out of the gates and off to a running start!
I feel another great weekend coming on…
Gramma K coming. Dance class. Shopping. Chicken enchiladas tonight. Saturday night mass with Jay. Steak with onion blue cheese sauce and twice-baked potatoes tomorrow night. Just Jay & Me. Valentine’s Day fun on Sunday. Maybe introduce Gramma to Monkey Bread. Etc.
Bring it on.
I hope your Valentine’s weekend is full of conversation hearts, red roses, martinis, chocolates, good food and time spent with that special someone in your life.
** Side note: Speaking of martinis, I was able to meet up with an old friend last night, sip on a pomegranate martini and chit chat. It was a great early start to the weekend and I am so grateful for friendships that I have made over the years. Thank you, Gina! It was LONG overdue! **
February 14, 2010 @ 5:36 pm
I loved the Monkey Bread with the “monkeys”! Your new version is so much more yummy and easy than the one I found jillions of years ago and only tried one time! Will diet all week and get ready for the big 3 Year-Old birthday!