Curbside Birthday ~ A Game Truck Party
This past Saturday we celebrated our PS3/Minecraft/Skylanders/Wii lovin’ little man with an early morning game truck pajama party. How’s that for a run-on theme? While doing my research on local game trucks, I noticed that the rates were lower if the party was held before noon. I was shooting for a 10am-12pm time slot, but only 9am-11am was available on the date that we wanted. I immediately said “yes!” and the breakfast menu/pajama party was born. What first grade boy wouldn’t want to roll out of bed on a Saturday morning and step into video game heaven for a couple hours? And then follow that up with some donuts & sugar cereal?
It was perfect.
Invitations were homespun and printed on brown paper blank notecards with which I mod-podged on a little mustache to tie in with Mario & Luigi of the Super Mario Bros. fame. I realize the mustache craze has been around for awhile, but I’m still drawn to the whimsy of it and thought it was perfect to weave into this party.
Each guest had a VIP access pass to claim upon arrival.
The game truck grub was simple and included both sweet & savory treats. The mini cereal boxes were a must as well as monkey bread, homemade Cinnamon Toast Crunch donuts and a sausage & hash brown casserole. In hindsight I could have grabbed two dozen bagels from Noah’s instead and called it a day, but……..
99¢ Only had cute mustache mugs which I picked up for the coffee bar and a little take home for the mamas.
Party favors were a pair of Skylanders socks, Mario Bros. fruit snacks and cinnamon red hots tucked into a glass mason jar with a lid. I’ve become obsessed with this little dollar store find since the holidays. I also included a little note to thank Holden’s guests and a recipe for his favorite smoothie {the girlies got a 3-pack of super cute dollar store neon mustache socks}.
I can’t say enough good things about the game truck company. Our game master, Jeff, was awesome and got the kids up and running in no time.
Two hours was PLENTY of time and Jay and I were actually surprised at how unrushed it seemed. Once the truck pulled away for the next party, we gathered around, sang and had “Skylanders Rice Krispie Treat cake” and Creeper cake pops!
This was the easiest party ever ~ curbside service and nobody had to come inside the house. Holding it in the garage was a great excuse to sweep and straighten up, too!
A HUGE thank you to all the little gamers that came out to celebrate with Holden. He had a fantastic time and told us this was the most epic party ever!
After over 4 years of blogging, these birthday party posts are my absolute favorite to write. I love reading other blogs and seeing how their parties come together and where they gather their inspiration and supplies.
Thanks to Jay for all the great pics. There are TONS more, but I’ll spare you. 😉 He rented a camera {Sony A7} to try out for the party and was pleased with the results. It’s a great way to try a certain model before you jump in and make the purchase. You can also rent lenses, too!
Here is a list of the vendors & services we used:
VIP Access Passes: instant download from luluCOLE on Etsy
Birthday Poster: CSSdesigns on Etsy
Creeper cake pops: Tickle Me Sweet
Game Truck: Game On Game Truck of Santa Clarita
Camera Rental:
February 25, 2014 @ 5:24 pm
Amy, you are a certified party planner. You outdid yourself putting Holden ‘s party together.
It all came together nicely.
February 26, 2014 @ 5:26 pm
To see Holden with his buddies was the best gift ever! He is such a good friend to all…a great quality!
Super pictures, Jay! Great venue, Amy!
March 2, 2014 @ 8:48 am
WOW, Amy! That was one well organized party! No wonder it was Holden’s favorite! One thing I noticed though. You obviously couldn’t find a level. Had one been available, the tops of the straws in each drawer would have been at EXACTLY the same elevation. 😉
Another beautiful job, Sweetheart! They just keep comin’.
March 3, 2014 @ 10:13 am
Thank you, Pops! Yes, the level was nowhere to be found so I had to wing it with the straws! 😉 It pained me so, but it all turned out OK. Hee hee. XOXO
March 3, 2014 @ 10:15 am
Thanks so much, Mom, for all your help and providing so many of the little “extras”. There is nothing I enjoy more than putting these little parties together for E & H…thank you for always being a special part of them! XOXO
March 3, 2014 @ 10:16 am
Awww, thanks so much, Mom! I really do love nothing more than making the kids feel special on their birthdays…I think Jay is finally on board with my crazy party planning self ~ LOL. Miss you lots as always. XOXO