Bloom Where You’re Planted
Three years ago, on November 14, 2008, we moved from Nor Cal to Santa Clarita.
It could have possibly been the {worst!} time to pick up and move…our home that we bought in 2006 {big mistake!} was underwater and now we were faced with making the decision to leave it and make the move back to So Cal where Jay had received a nice job offer. The decision ended up being a no-brainer and we found a great property manager to help us find the perfect tenants, watched as our little house got packed up and loaded onto the truck and then made our way down I-5 to our new home in Valencia.
Not once did I think this was the {wrong} decision. Yes, we would miss our little cozy neighborhood, our friends, our family in Nor Cal and the memories that were made there ~ that’s where Holden was born! But opportunities arise and sometimes you just need to cry, be afraid, possibly even resist, but then imagine all the new things that you will encounter as a result.
Today, exactly one week before Thanksgiving, I am thankful for where we are RIGHT NOW. We’re closer to my hometown, San Diego & Gramma, we’ve met wonderful friends, the kids are in great schools, we are now more active in our church, Jay is MUCH happier at work and I am continuing to learn so much about myself and my {bloom where you’re planted} gene.
I honestly believe that we could move anywhere and it would be OK. Heck, we lived in a one bedroom apartment in a new town with a five month old and knew nobody for 5 or 6 months, but we did it. I look back and wonder if that is when I discovered my love of cooking and baking…I literally watched The Food Network ALL day and tried dozens of recipes in that teeny tiny galley kitchen while little Elliott sat in her swing and watched {or snoozed!}.
Again, I am so thankful for where we are right now and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
Just this morning I chatted and got to know a neighbor better on the walk home from dropping Elliott off at school. I love that about our neighborhood.
So, we will continue to lay our roots and grow here right where we are.
Because wherever we are, we’re just where we need to be.
Linking up today over at The Fontenot Four ~ Thankful Thursdays! Come on over and see what others are grateful for…

November 17, 2011 @ 2:46 pm
Such a great post. It totally hits home for me. I feel the exact same way about the move we made a year ago. I was so sad to leave where we were but I knew deep down it was the right thing to do. While I still have sad days of missing my community down there, I LOVE my new life in my new home and new community. It is wonderful to hear that you are so happy. Cheers to you and your family.
November 17, 2011 @ 4:54 pm
What a wonderful post! We picked up and moved 3.5 years ago. It was a huge challenge, but one that I wouldn’t change now. We have no family here, but this is home. We’re laying down our roots here. We could be in a house rather than this apartment, it could be bigger, it could have 3 bedrooms instead of 2….but we’re together. Here. Now. Love your post!! Thanks for linking up with me on my blog!
November 17, 2011 @ 7:32 pm
Nice post and images to go with it!
November 18, 2011 @ 7:30 am
Aims~ did you write this for me? It is PERFECT for my day and our time of life right now. Thank you. It was just what I needed to think about on our way out to Denver (again) to look at houses to start our new chapter in. Thanks for the boost!
November 18, 2011 @ 11:30 am
Leesh, we need to get caught up…I will try you Monday morning. Can’t wait to chat! XO