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Hogwarts Holiday Weekend
Well hello, friends! Is anyone still out there in blog land? Lately I’ve been checking in on a few blogs that I used to faithfully […]
Lemon-Garlic Shrimp With Israeli Couscous & Broccoli
Last night I decided to make a recipe from my Weight Watcher Weekly handout and it was nothing short of delicious. It’ll definitely be added to the rotation for future meals! Therefore, I wanted to share it with you. I am always looking for more ways to get fish and shrimp onto our meal plans. […]
Any Excuse To Eat Doritos
Emily Bite’s Doritos Taco Salad has been popping up all over my IG account {flipflopfoodie_ww} and I knew it had to make it onto our menu plan one week real soon. I had it down for tonight which is usually Taco Tuesdays in our house, but since it’s St. Patrick’s Day, I wanted to have […]
DIY Acai ~ Homemade Bowl of Heaven
My first experience with acai was almost 9 years ago. I tried an acai smoothie at Hobee’s, a Bay Area restaurant where we’d often enjoy breakfast during our short stint living in Sunnyvale. It was nothing super special, as I remember, but the acai berries were shown in some studies to be richer in antioxidants […]
Blue Ribbon Day ~ An Afternoon at the OC Fair
Yesterday we ventured down I-5 and headed to the OC Fair. My friend Angela is well schooled in this fair and assured me it was bigger and better than our more local Ventura County fair that is also currently going on. She had gathered some budget friendly information for our trip, too. 1. Bring $5 […]