Whipped Cream, Nuts & A Cherry
Last weekend we were supposed to bring the Cuisinart out of hibernation and make ice cream for Father’s Day.
Didn’t quite happen…sorry, Babe!
Tonight we made Pioneer Woman’s Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and boy, was it worth the wait!
Banana Splitinis it was…
Sliced bananas, freshly churned soft vanilla bean ice cream, a drizzle of Hershey’s syrup, a swirl of whipped cream, some rainbow sprinkles, coconut {for me}, peanuts {for Jay} and the proverbial maraschino cherry on top.
These would also be fun served in small mason jars!
The slip n slide also came out this afternoon after a brief hiatus…
Last week was filled with necessary errands in the beginning of the week and a couple pool play dates at the end.
Tomorrow this guy starts summer camp thanks to his grandparents and sweet friends…for his birthday in February, we decided in lieu of {more} toys a nice gift would be a 3-day a week summer camp at his preschool. Three of his best buds chipped in and gave him a week as well! It’s a win/win situation ~ a fun 3 hours for him and 3 hours for me! We’re so grateful….thanks again.
This girl is going to gymnastics camp mañana. Same thing…for her b-day, the grandparents generously gave her the same 3 days a week to tumble and jump this summer. Again, it gives me a little time to myself and his preschool and the gym are right near each other so it’s perfect.
It’s a GREAT way to break up the summer.
I’ll say it again ~ thank you Lolo & Lola, Gramma, Popsi, Emma, Landon & Dylan.
This gift is truly the cherry on top of this mama’s banana split!
Have a great week everyone!
June 28, 2011 @ 8:56 am
What a way to start the summer–ice cream, slip-n-slide to wash off, and summer camp! It’s in full swing! Love to you all!