Tricentennial Tuesday
This is it readers…
My 300th post.
Unfortunately there’s no winning Lotto numbers, I didn’t lose 50 pounds in my sleep last night and my outfit du jour was still a colored wife beater, yoga pants and my Havs.
Nothing new or fancy to report on this “milestone” post.
I take that back…something NEW that happened today was that Elliott CRIED at kinder drop off.
The day started out flawlessly…
She woke up before 7:00, had breakfast, took less than 10 minutes to find a different outfit that suited her mood, brushed teeth and hair and we were out the door for another leisurely stroll to school. We were at the gate where we drop them off and…
The waterworks started.
Out of nowhere.
I was taken aback.
She was the only one crying.
“I don’t want to go to school.”
I am not a Mom that sugar coats stuff like this. School is not an option. It is something that she will be going to every weekday for many, many years and there are no if’s, and’s or but’s about it. Yes, she’s in kindergarten, but I believe in setting expectations early in life. It’s never too early, as far as I’m concerned, to let your child {my child in this case} know what is right and wrong. No, it’s not wrong that she cried. I was expecting a transition from her going 2 half days to 5 full days, but coddling isn’t going to help in the long run.
I got down to her level and told her that she will have fun and all her friends will miss her if she’s not there. Her teacher came out and looked surprised that my Elliott was in tears, but took her hand and whisked her off “kicking and screaming”. I waved and said “I love you! Have fun!”
And that was that.
I am OK with that.
Mama said there’d be days like this.
But it turned out that she stopped crying the minute they got into class.
And she took off her dress and was wearing the tank and her biker shorts {that were under the dress} when I picked her up, but all’s well that ends well, I guess.
Something tells me that Daisy Duke-esque biker shorts aren’t part of the dress code.
Speaking of dress codes, we’re still having FUN with the kinder wardrobe.
Now, either I have too high of expectations when it comes to dressing her or I have a very head strong, fashion conscious five-year old.
Probably a little of both.
Remember “Fashion Plates”?
My younger sister got these for one of her birthdays back in the day and I’d get all Project Runway on them once in awhile.
Each night when we lay out her outfit, I feel like I am taking out ALL possibilities, arranging them and waiting for her to find the combination that she wants to place a piece of paper over and make come to life with colored pencils!
Only to find out that by morning’s light, she wants to crumple it up, toss it in the trash and start laying the components out in the little contraption again until she finds another ensemble to bring to life.
Maybe I just need to give her free reign and step in when things get too Punky Brewster or otherwise inappropriate.
Good thing I kept all the receipts for the new school clothes.
For example, tomorrow she is wearing the tank top that she wore last year on the first day of preschool.
I guess familiar clothes are comforting in this new, unfamiliar time of her life.
And I can certainly see and understand that.
Tonight we read “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss.
So appropriate for today.
And EVERYDAY for that matter….
August 17, 2010 @ 10:47 pm
Congrats on 300 posts! I think I’ve read every one of them. Love your blog! Don’t stop!