Thrifty Thursday ~ Simple, Inexpensive, Homespun Birthday Invites
I’ve mentioned this before…you can spend LOTS on invitations.
I refuse to do that anymore. Personally, I also refuse to use evite. I think evite is genius and I’m all for being more {green}, but I prefer and enjoy coming up with cheap, crafty invites for my kids’ birthday parties. I love the idea of a hand or snail mail delivered invitation. I guess I’m sort of old-fashioned that way…
This year for Holden’s party I found some blank note cards at Michael’s for 50¢ a pack {8 cards/package}. I chose these specifically because of the red envelopes ~ so much better than plain, boring white!
The cards had a small graphic printed on the bottom right corner so I just made a {flame} template out of cardboard, cut it out, traced several flames on some orange construction paper, cut those out, used Elmer’s glue and some red & gold glitter and voila! It covered the picture perfectly. I chose a font we already had {cracked}, formatted it, came up with the wording and popped them through our printer.
I picked up some fire truck stickers at Target for 99¢ in the scrapbook area and added one to the inside of the invite and also to the front of the envelopes.
I addressed them “Firefighter so-and-so” and put the return address for the ones I mailed as “Fire Chief Holden”.
I calculated the cost of these invitations as less than 25¢ apiece.
We hand delivered most of them to save on postage, too!
February 4, 2011 @ 7:43 am
LOVED these invites. So creative!!! We have it displayed prominently on the buffet. It’s like a decoration 🙂
February 6, 2011 @ 8:46 am
Better go out to my mail box, right now!!!!! These are so cute!!!!!!