Rocket Science
I thought I’d chime in and give you an update on our non-Direct TV havin’ selves. It’s been 2 weeks now and guess what….
we’re still ALIVE!
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that we would be just fine sans 1,574,623 channels.
Now does this mean that I am OK with NEVER turning on Direct TV again?
But I must admit, the vacuum cleaner is getting more action. The white grout and the Clorox Clean-Up are seeing A LOT more of each other. The Swiffer has been doing more swiffering. We already need more Gain detergent and fabric softener and I have been more “crafty” and done some homemade goodies for Holden’s party.
Wow….imagine that!
{Because I couldn’t have a post without a pic…thanks Lisa Lisa for recommending this, btw. It rocks on the lovely white tile with white grout counter situation!}
I still get to watch my shows ~ The Biggest Loser, etc. There’s oodles of stuff to watch on, too. I watched an episode of House Hunters {an HGTV fave} the other night…now it may have been from 4 years ago. No biggie.
Did we miss the Superbowl yesterday? Yes, but did I really want to see Christina Aguilera screw up the national anthem?
Not really.
I even went for a {short} run this weekend. Um, how did I ever complete 13.1 miles and now can’t even run 2 without wanting to die? Proof that there is no rest for the weary! I think I just need to register for the Santa Clarita Half on 11.6.11…then I will {have} to get out there and run, run, run!
Anywhoo, if you are on the fence about wanting to watch less TV and want to save some cash every month, I highly suggest thinking about turning off your satellite service for a few months and see how it goes.
I don’t think anyone has ever not survived without Bravo.
Rocket science, I tell you.
February 7, 2011 @ 1:13 pm
B-R-A-V-O! You’re amazing, Amy!!!! Love to hear all you are doing!
February 7, 2011 @ 1:26 pm
That’s terrific! All episodes are available on the networks’ website to view. But I wouldn’t know how to download. I think I can connect the computer to the TV with HDMI cable to view instead of the monitor.