Limping Along
For the past 3 months I’ve been limping along on my 3 year old LG Env…certainly no one is envious of my (un)smart phone.
For the past 90 days I’ve had to use my blue tooth so I can hear the person on the other end…they can hear me just fine w/o it, but I can’t hear them. This means that I have to constantly keep track of and charge that little ear piece. Like I don’t have more important things to do like Pinterest laundry, dishes, etc.
Hoping to join the masses and become a {smartie} with a new phone reeeal soon…get with the program, Amy.
She can still, however, capture the little everyday moments that I try so hard to cherish.
Here are a few from this week…
{Posing with Bugs on a quick Monday afternoon trip to Burbank}
{Tuesday was Spirit Night @ Chick Fil A ~ we were there to support our church, Blessed Kateri}
{?????? ~ “It’s like Katie on Big Time Rush. I forgot which episode.” … of course. Silly me}
{Thursday afternoon at pick-up ~ enjoying a story with a cutie classmate}
{I’m sneaking this one in from a couple weeks ago ~ an afternoon stroll home from school with a pal}
Linking up a couple hours early over at Life Rearranged ~ InstaFriday. Jeannett is truly an inspiration…I got to sit in a breakout session with her at Blog Sugar!
Come over and peek at all the other fun little moments of this week.
October 14, 2011 @ 5:39 am
so cute, stopping by from jeannett’s blog! i’m having a HUGE ($100) giveaway going on at my blog and would love to have you stop by-
October 14, 2011 @ 6:09 am
The picture of the two little girls is awesome!!! Love that!! I know it will be a keepsake!
Have a great weekend!!