Homework Nazi
Oh my.
Homework has finally started.
I am a FREAK about the homework.
From day one…”Do you have homework? Is there anything in your folder?”
I am paranoid.
At back to school night we were informed that homework and “sight words” would begin on lucky September 13th. But I was still a FREAK and would ask her everyday on the way home,
“Do you have homework? Is there anything in your folder?”
Because I don’t want her to miss anything….have a big fat “F” in the grade book.
In Kindergarten.
I am paranoid.
But I want to get her conditioned for the homework because it is going to be part of our life now ~ for MANY years.
The first packet came home yesterday.
It’s due Friday.
We’re done.
We don’t need to worry about it for the rest of the week. SHE wanted to do it ALL. I’m certain the novelty will wear off and it’ll be like pulling teeth down the road, but for now she digs it and I am happy.
But I am still a FREAK. I have quadruple checked each sheet for accuracy.
Did she write her name at the top of each page?
Did we follow directions?
Are her “M’s” and “m’s” kosher?
Did she stay {semi} in the lines while coloring?
Did she complete everything?
Her first journal entry was to follow the prompt, “I like __________.”
Tiana ~ complete with a ruffled dress, frog, grass, flowers, clouds and hearts.
Journal entry #1, complete!
Homework packet #1, complete!
Paranoid mother, complete!
I give myself a C-….I definitely need to improve.
September 14, 2010 @ 9:10 pm
September 14, 2010 @ 10:52 pm
amy…helicopter mom:)…I say that in the nicest possible way…I get worried I will be the same. We just turned in Abigails first project today and I am stressing it doesn’t look right