Good Times
Today’s post was going to be focused on {aka venting} the challenges of one 3.5 year old {pictured below} with lots of flowery language, but I will just sum it up instead with these four words…
Patience is a virtue.
And I don’t have a lot of it lately.
I wish it were on sale this week….I’d stock up on it, for sure.
Looks like Holden is getting pointers from SpongeBob. SB was not allowed in this household until recently. It seems to come on right when I am getting dinner ready and need some uninterrupted Mama time.
However, we may need to reinstate the SpongeBob ban as the other night I asked Holden to please get his jammies on and he replied, “You want a piece of me? You can’t have a piece of me!”
Oh my.
I hope that phrase never leaves his little mouth again.
Elliott said they heard it on SpongeBob.
Thanks, Nick Jr.
{notice the title of the book}
He does look so sweet…all bathed, in his pirate pj’s, with his little legs stretched out, book in his lap, “reading” quietly…however, I do need to question his book selection.
Only about 6 more hours until FALL.
Apparently 11:09 p.m.?!
September 22, 2010 @ 10:16 pm
So hear you on that one! Some kid at Sophie’s daycare kept saying “I’m gonna put you in jail.” When Sophie started saying it, the phrase was banned from the house.