Fried Lice
Hello and Happy Friday!
I really wish that my last couple posts were about {knitting} and not nitting. I hope for this to be the LAST of the not-so-nice lice entries. Believe you me, I am OVER googling, reading, rereading and regoogling this particular subject matter. I know life is not always lollipops and unicorns, but I’m ready to move on.
I came up with a brainy idea on Wednesday evening…I was {hoping} to send Elliott to school on Thursday so I thought “what if I burn the nits to a crisp using my flat iron?” We sat on our bed on Wednesday night and I took my Tigi Rock Star to her head. And I combed. And combed some more.
As mentioned, I kept her home yesterday too. We’re making progress, but it is a SLOW process. Between picking nits, vacuuming, doing laundry, spraying, folding and putting the laundry away, making the beds again and again, it takes some time to get the nits out. Just to make myself feel better and try to convince myself that I have done {enough}, please let me share the treatment I’ve put my sweet daughter through over the past few days:
Tuesday: lice shampoo, mayo slathering and more lice shampoo in the evening!
Wednesday: Two 1:1 ratio of vinegar to water treatments and 10-15 minutes of flat ironing
Thursday: Combing and combing. Picking and Picking.
Friday/Today: Fearful that the remaining few nits may still be {alive} I put just a little more lice shampoo, but just left it on for half the time {bad I know, but remember, I’m desperate at this point}. Then, just as I tell myself that I’m NOT going to Google anymore on this subject, I do and I find this….”killing lice with a hair straightener”. Brilliant!
OK, so I’m not the one that first discovered this, but I was thrilled to see that I actually did something the {may} really be effective 2 days ago in making sure the nits are dead…{I know this is a gross topic, but thanks for sticking with me for those of you that are still reading!}
As clever as the {Fried Lice} title is, I did not come up with it. Here is a little video of a young British girl who apparently did this as a science project.
I do not wish this ordeal on even my worst enemy.
OK, enough already with that….what can we talk about now?
Oh, I know…have you ever gotten snail mail or an e-mail out of the blue from a friend with the sweetest sentiments? Well, the other day when I really needed it, I got an e-mail from a mama friend that made all things right in the world. Her kind words were a source of encouragement to get me through this week and I am eternally grateful. Thanks again, Liz!
I am seriously thinking about running to Albertson’s and getting the fixins for these:
If I do decide to make these and you know where I live, you’d better come and take some away!
Hoping to play in some snow this weekend in the local mountains.
Have a cozy {President’s Day} celebration!
February 25, 2011 @ 6:16 am
Amy, this is the first time Im reading your blog! Sorry, just havent had the time, everytime I thought of doing it, something came up, imagine that! Never happens. Anywhoos, you are sooo darn cute! Your blog is great and I love hearing the details of your mommy life. It so fits you. Ive only been back to work for 6months now and I really miss being able to pick up the kids from school, volunteer in their classes and just simply spending MORE time with them. I ofcourse try to spend as much time as possible with them in the evenings and weekends but its just not enough. But then again, there’s never enough time to spend with them as they grow up and out way too fast. Sooo keep doing what your doing and keep enjoying your mommy hood, which you do very well by the way! Have a Great Friday!! Yahhhh!
February 25, 2011 @ 6:18 am
sooo funny, I just left you a comment two seconds ago and clicked “post comment” before I entered my name. Too early for me (6:17) I need to go have my coffee now 🙂 Chowmein! Mylende